VCI-100 SE tks for traktor 3.2

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VCI-100 SE tks for traktor 3.2
Posted on: 13.05.2008 by Shane Fergusson
will the VCI-100 SE have a tks for Traktor 3.2? will it be easy to make one? Just asking, i like the effects more in 3.2
Shane Fergusson
Originally Posted by eangolde
The TKS files for 3.3 and 3.4 will work just fine with 3.2. The only difference will be a few moved around knobs which will be easy to fix as that was the only difference between the two versions.
thanks for answering back Ean, has 3.4 been released? is it worth upgrading to 3.4? 3.3 effects are a dissaster compared to 3.2.
Shane Fergusson
will the VCI-100 SE have a tks for Traktor 3.2? will it be easy to make one? Just asking, i like the effects more in 3.2
Xavier Emanuels
3.4 is not released yet, its still in beta stages and will still needs to pass the final testing stage after beta testing is finished.

Throw this link in your favorites if you want to keep track of the update progress or want to read more about whats in the update :
Shane Fergusson
Originally Posted by eangolde
The TKS files for 3.3 and 3.4 will work just fine with 3.2. The only difference will be a few moved around knobs which will be easy to fix as that was the only difference between the two versions.
thanks for answering back Ean, has 3.4 been released? is it worth upgrading to 3.4? 3.3 effects are a dissaster compared to 3.2.

The TKS files for 3.3 and 3.4 will work just fine with 3.2. The only difference will be a few moved around knobs which will be easy to fix as that was the only difference between the two versions.

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