SE questions

SE questions
Posted on: 14.06.2008 by Andres Lopez
traktor is confusing , ANYwho ....i got traktor 3.2 , so no more LE ... correct me if im wrong . i installed that i did the power off and held the first loop button which is 1.2? , and i downloaded the tks SE 1.2 , is that right??? everything seems to work , i havent figured out how to use the extras yet ....BUT check the picture out for my question
Andres Lopez
traktor is confusing , ANYwho ....i got traktor 3.2 , so no more LE ... correct me if im wrong . i installed that i did the power off and held the first loop button which is 1.2? , and i downloaded the tks SE 1.2 , is that right??? everything seems to work , i havent figured out how to use the extras yet ....BUT check the picture out for my question
Costa Pantazis

I had to the make the switch from Traktor 3.2 to Traktor 3.3.2 and all my problems were solved when using the VCI-100SE. You really need to upgrade to 3.3.2 plus it's free.

Adil Laresh
you should really be using traktor 3.3+ since thats what the se is designed for...
is there some reason you have to use 3.2? 3.4 is just about out so maybe that will solve your problems...

also as suggested try another pc to see if its the usb chipset on your pc or not.
Andres Lopez
ok i checked the midi input and output , But i only see an Input , no out put , check it out
ricard capdevila romero
Check in MIDI settings that the VCI-100 is selected for both In and Out. I had the same problem but it was related to chipset/usb driver problem. If it still won't work upgrade to Traktor 3.3 or test the unit on another pc.

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