Custom Firmware?

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Custom Firmware?
Posted on: 09.11.2008 by Roygan Chy
Hey everyone,

I recently upgraded to the 1.3 firmware. Its totally awesome but there are a few few minor things would like to change. It looks as though I would need to change the firmware to do it and so I was wondering if anyone had taken a stab at editing/creating firmware.

Specifically what I would like to do is:
1. turn the filter button in to an on/off button as well
*This may be doable in the TKS but I have not had any luck

2. change what effect is selected on effects bank A
*If I am reading the MIDI correctly, Ean achieved the fx select button by tuning them into knobs with a specific value corresponding with the fx. this is where I am almost certain I would need to get into the firmware to change. I mostly use Reverb and B-Mash so i would like to move the B-Mash to FX bank A.

Thanks for the help guys
Roygan Chy
Hey everyone,

I recently upgraded to the 1.3 firmware. Its totally awesome but there are a few few minor things would like to change. It looks as though I would need to change the firmware to do it and so I was wondering if anyone had taken a stab at editing/creating firmware.

Specifically what I would like to do is:
1. turn the filter button in to an on/off button as well
*This may be doable in the TKS but I have not had any luck

2. change what effect is selected on effects bank A
*If I am reading the MIDI correctly, Ean achieved the fx select button by tuning them into knobs with a specific value corresponding with the fx. this is where I am almost certain I would need to get into the firmware to change. I mostly use Reverb and B-Mash so i would like to move the B-Mash to FX bank A.

Thanks for the help guys
Xavier Emanuels
For the meantime you should buy yourself a copy of Bomes Midi Pro and that will give you the ability to do alot of stuff that you would normally need to hack the firmware to do.
Roygan Chy
Awesome, thanks for the link. Ill be keeping up on that thread
Adolf Hit
Hey DJYeshua,

This is not going to happen any time soon ....

But people have started looking in to it

Here is the original thread on this topic

http://www.djranking /sho...light=firmware

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