DIY Arcade mod Advice?

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DIY Arcade mod Advice?
Posted on: 26.08.2009 by Bari Pontoon
Hi all,

I've recently ordered the arcade kit, just waiting for it to arrive...

I plan to use the overlay to mark the holes, so after advice on the best way to make the holes..

Ive read people have done it using a file or using a drill press?

I havn't got a professional drill press, but If I chose this I was believe of getting one of them budget drill presses that you attach a drill too..

Whats your thoughts?

Thanks in advance
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Bari Pontoon
Hi all,

I've recently ordered the arcade kit, just waiting for it to arrive...

I plan to use the overlay to mark the holes, so after advice on the best way to make the holes..

Ive read people have done it using a file or using a drill press?

I havn't got a professional drill press, but If I chose this I was believe of getting one of them budget drill presses that you attach a drill too..

Whats your thoughts?

Thanks in advance
Xavier Emanuels
I used a budget drill press
Nick Ross
...and that's where i fucked up. crap.
Kenny Edeburn
Keep in mind that the holes you make for the buttons should be no more than
Kenny Edeburn
My suggestion is to buy a decent round file and try it out. If you don't like it, then by all means try other (more expensive) methods. Cheers!

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