Cpu spikes in traktor!!!!!!

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Cpu spikes in traktor!!!!!!
Posted on: 22.03.2010 by Nickole Krautbauer
I have just upgraded to Windows 7 and everything has been working fine but after playing at home for 30 mins i start to get 100% CPU spikes which effects the sound and slows the tracks down. I am using the new mapping with traktor 1.2.4 and VCI100 FW1.3. Has anyone else experienced this? and how can i sort it out?
Nickole Krautbauer
I have just upgraded to Windows 7 and everything has been working fine but after playing at home for 30 mins i start to get 100% CPU spikes which effects the sound and slows the tracks down. I am using the new mapping with traktor 1.2.4 and VCI100 FW1.3. Has anyone else experienced this? and how can i sort it out?
Dee Atondo
Yes--turn off all programs in Windows and WIFI. Also try turning off some function within Traktor like auto-analyze songs.
Denna Gorenc
Run this on your PC: http://www.thesycon.de/deu/latency_check.shtml

You may need to disable WIFI or some other windows devices until you are able to run clean.

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