VCI 100 + Snow Leopard

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VCI 100 + Snow Leopard
Posted on: 11.02.2010 by Emilio Janz
On The Vestax website it states the VCI 100 is Not compatible with Apples Snow Leopard. Is this true and if so is there a patch to fix the issue? I've ordered a VCI 100SE and am a bit worried. I did try e.mailing DJ ranking s direct but i believe they were asleep!
i have a Macbook pro Mac OS X 10.6.2 with snow leopard. running traktor pro
Emilio Janz
On The Vestax website it states the VCI 100 is Not compatible with Apples Snow Leopard. Is this true and if so is there a patch to fix the issue? I've ordered a VCI 100SE and am a bit worried. I did try e.mailing DJ ranking s direct but i believe they were asleep!
i have a Macbook pro Mac OS X 10.6.2 with snow leopard. running traktor pro
Emilio Janz
No problems whatsoever, no crashes or hiccups. I've been a DJ for many moons and i just want things to do their job with no surprises, so for me this set up is perfect.
Sherryl Nonato
hi all just wondering how the snow leopard an traktor 1.2.4 are still going

i have snow leopard for my macbook pro an never installed it!

is it good?? an still stable?
Elliot Serres
Go for it. I have no issues with snow leopard+vci-100 arcade+ traktor pro 1.2.4.
Its a winning combo if you ask me.
Sanjuana Newburn
Yep. I've been running TSP and VCI-100 Arcade on 10.6.2 for 2 weeks with no issues whatsoever. Fear not!
Savannah Genovese
2 days ago i am instal Snow Leopard, NO PROBLEM (only update sound card driver i have fast track pro) My Vestax VCI-100 SE working perfect!!! Don't worry man!!!
Henry Kolde
I've had no problems using my VCI-100SE with snow leopard.

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