Controller still not controlling.

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Controller still not controlling.
Posted on: 26.03.2010 by Lynetta Azam
Using a macbook with Leopard 10.5. Vestax VCI-100 with latest firmware upgrade and overlay (purchased from community member)

I upgraded to Traktor Pro 1.2.5 and it says all updates are up to date in service center.

Downloaded the latest mapping from DJTT.

When I plug in the VCI it shows that it is receiving the midi signal in Traktor as the midi light is flashing. I go to the preferences and Import the TSI file. It shows the pop up window on what it wants to import with the 3 boxes checked but after that nothing shows up and the controller still doesn't control anything.

I am at work today so I will be able to fiddle with it again tomorrow when I get off, but I was wondering if there is any ideas on what might be going wrong.

Any help is appreciated.
Lynetta Azam
Using a macbook with Leopard 10.5. Vestax VCI-100 with latest firmware upgrade and overlay (purchased from community member)

I upgraded to Traktor Pro 1.2.5 and it says all updates are up to date in service center.

Downloaded the latest mapping from DJTT.

When I plug in the VCI it shows that it is receiving the midi signal in Traktor as the midi light is flashing. I go to the preferences and Import the TSI file. It shows the pop up window on what it wants to import with the 3 boxes checked but after that nothing shows up and the controller still doesn't control anything.

I am at work today so I will be able to fiddle with it again tomorrow when I get off, but I was wondering if there is any ideas on what might be going wrong.

Any help is appreciated.

make sure your sound card is working-
also make sure that your in and out ports for the general midi assignment are set to "all controllers" or even better, Vestax VCi-100. That should sort you out.
Lynetta Azam
Under Controller configuration in the midi mapping drop down menu there are no items listed under controller configuration.
Lynetta Azam

No help guys? I'm pulling my hair out. It's recognizing the VCI as it shows it in the In/Out drop down menus. The TSI files down seem to be importing though.

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