Faxer FX - VCI 100 Problem

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Faxer FX - VCI 100 Problem
Posted on: 25.03.2010 by Marlon Dekan
Hi Guys,

i ve just started to experiment with the fader fx controls, explained in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<a hr...UBEN-0b2cY</a> and i realized that the line fader (those in the middle) dont move and activate the second effect slot, like it is shown in the video (the delay effect).
the fader does the same like the jogwheel, but without activating the effect.

is this a firmware problem?

i ve just bought my vci 100 new an put the vci 100 se overlay over it and installed the latest vci 100 mapping, link on this page. i use also traktor pro 1.2.4.


thanks for helping!
Marlon Dekan
Hi Guys,

i ve just started to experiment with the fader fx controls, explained in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<a hr...UBEN-0b2cY</a> and i realized that the line fader (those in the middle) dont move and activate the second effect slot, like it is shown in the video (the delay effect).
the fader does the same like the jogwheel, but without activating the effect.

is this a firmware problem?

i ve just bought my vci 100 new an put the vci 100 se overlay over it and installed the latest vci 100 mapping, link on this page. i use also traktor pro 1.2.4.


thanks for helping!
robin loo
xcurt, you got pm..

You need to get this firmware kit and upgrade your controller to 1.3

http://ranking s.myshopify.com/produ...-upgrade-cable
robin loo
for flashing the new firmware you need the upgradekit. there are not many, so getting one on ebay is difficult. i have one, but will need it some time soon to flash a friends vci.
where are you from in germany?
Marlon Dekan
but i thought i need that upgradekit? even wondering why there is no one on ebay or something like that..
do you have one? im from ger too..
robin loo
nope not kidding. firmware 1.3 was developed by djtt not by vestax. all controllers that you buy in the store are 1.2 or sometimes even 1.1. only the djtt store sells 1.3 vci100.
but it's not a big deal flashing the new firmware. thing of 10 minutes..
Marlon Dekan
that meens, the 1.3 firmware isnt delivered by vestax, only by djranking s??.. so i have to buy this upgradekit? u r kidding?
robin loo
could definately be one. i'm not sure, but the official djtt mappings are made for firmware 1.3 which you obviously don't have..

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