upgraded tsp to 1.25?

Home :: DJ TechTools' VCI-100 FAQ :: upgraded tsp to 1.25?Reply
upgraded tsp to 1.25?
Posted on: 28.03.2010 by Harlan Beith
has anyone with the vci ro MF upgraded to 1.25 yet? any issues or am I clear to install?
Harlan Beith
has anyone with the vci ro MF upgraded to 1.25 yet? any issues or am I clear to install?
Harlan Beith
should I re-import tsi files for the MF and vci or am I going to be good to roll?
Harlan Beith
That's what I like to hear, loading it up now.

no problems here either.
Lanny Vanosten
Upgraded yesterday and played for about an hour or so. Everything seemed Ok. and my vci-100 responded normal.

(3_4 mapping)
(firmware 1.3)
(traktor Pro 1.2.5)

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