OMG, this FX glitch has to GO!

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OMG, this FX glitch has to GO!
Posted on: 26.03.2010 by Harlan Beith
well, thank god i have teh skills to pay teh bills, vci jacked up on me last evening during a 2 hour set. I switched to fx mode, and was using the slicer/lofi preset, scratching the little table and BAM my pitch shot to like 300 BPM, this happened to me in the studio once too. The crowd loved it though I was just hyping them, but i freaked, not a good thing to happen, especially since i was about 32 bars from the end of that song. not sure what's causing it, but I though it was worth pointing out. other than that, the crows love the vci+MF combo going apeshit behind the booth :P
Edris Acevedo
Originally Posted by EanGolden
we are releasing a new TSi file that fixes this issue within 24 hours. Stay tuned..
SWEEET! looking forward to this as these are the only issues I have found with v3.4. Might even apply the new overlay if all runs smoothly once released.
Harlan Beith
well, thank god i have teh skills to pay teh bills, vci jacked up on me last evening during a 2 hour set. I switched to fx mode, and was using the slicer/lofi preset, scratching the little table and BAM my pitch shot to like 300 BPM, this happened to me in the studio once too. The crowd loved it though I was just hyping them, but i freaked, not a good thing to happen, especially since i was about 32 bars from the end of that song. not sure what's causing it, but I though it was worth pointing out. other than that, the crows love the vci+MF combo going apeshit behind the booth :P
Mac Fly
I gotta feeling things will eventually be straightened out. Im waiting to use this mapping and overlay, because I hear Windows can be troublesome with it. It would be cool if there was a add on software to handle the midi overload. Even in mapping 2.5 i find that going crazy in fader FX can cause all my LEDs to just not want to work anymore. This happens on rare occasion tho.
Edris Acevedo
Originally Posted by EanGolden
we are releasing a new TSi file that fixes this issue within 24 hours. Stay tuned..
SWEEET! looking forward to this as these are the only issues I have found with v3.4. Might even apply the new overlay if all runs smoothly once released.
Harlan Beith
DUDE!!! thank you Ean, you are awesome, can't wait to see the new stuff.

we are releasing a new TSi file that fixes this issue within 24 hours. Stay tuned..
Eloy Snopkowski
few bug ive seen so far : pitch goes crazy 250+bpm on pause, playing iwth echo and slice 2gerther make them stuck on a glitchy sound sometimes and i got to reset traktor ...hopefuly only my friend was listening at home

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