Play help 2.5 ... I'm losing my mind LOL

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Play help 2.5 ... I'm losing my mind LOL
Posted on: 31.03.2010 by Nguyet Shedenhelm
SO. i loaded the new mapping. I really like most aspects. well...

I'm DJing at a bar tomorrow evening and need help

how in the world to I make it so when i push play it does Jump to Act Cue and when i press Shift + Play it does Play/Pause

I can't figure it out so essentially i want to swap their functions

PS and the Cue button too

Thank you in advance
Nguyet Shedenhelm
SO. i loaded the new mapping. I really like most aspects. well...

I'm DJing at a bar tomorrow evening and need help

how in the world to I make it so when i push play it does Jump to Act Cue and when i press Shift + Play it does Play/Pause

I can't figure it out so essentially i want to swap their functions

PS and the Cue button too

Thank you in advance
Shirlee Depiazza
Takign a massive guess here but if you know how to set up traktor midi you should be able to hack it.

To find the commands I always like using timecode > calibrate. Then learning it to the button you need to change. Sort by midi-command and find the highlighter ones.

Guessing you will find:
Play/Pause, Mx = 0
Jump to act cue, Mx = 1
Or similar whatever shift tiggers. If you reverse this you should get the result you want
Doug Bieling
So many people seem to be asking this and i don't believe I have seen anyone answer it. I too would like to go back to the old way that it works. is this possible ?

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