faster scrolling inside track?

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faster scrolling inside track?
Posted on: 31.03.2010 by Suellen Ianelli
is it possible to speed up the movement inside a track using the jogwheels?
Suellen Ianelli
Originally Posted by dero2
If you turn scratch off, you can scroll through the song much faster with the jogwheels
hm? not really. scrolling speed seems to be exactly the same in both modes .
Suellen Ianelli
is it possible to speed up the movement inside a track using the jogwheels?
Vernon Positano
Well, that does depend on how the midi mapping is setup, but I have it so that with scratch lit, the jogwheels.. scratch, and without it lit, they 'search'.
Suellen Ianelli
Originally Posted by dero2
If you turn scratch off, you can scroll through the song much faster with the jogwheels
hm? not really. scrolling speed seems to be exactly the same in both modes .
Madalene Ranjan
If you turn scratch off, you can scroll through the song much faster with the jogwheels
robin loo
yes its possible. the 2.4 mapping it mapped as

shift (M7=1) + add in --> transport --> seek position
for the left jog the notes are a#3 to the right, b3 to the left
right jog: c4 to the right, c#4 to the left..

set it to button, inc for right and button, dec for left..

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