UK vci-100 users -Firmware

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UK vci-100 users -Firmware
Posted on: 05.07.2010 by Ashleigh Siwicki
Has anyone from UK managed to carry out a firmware update of the vci-100. Just managed to get myself a standard vci-100 and wondering if any Uk based users have managed to do it.
Ashleigh Siwicki
Has anyone from UK managed to carry out a firmware update of the vci-100. Just managed to get myself a standard vci-100 and wondering if any Uk based users have managed to do it.
Gary Quirin
troniksoul - I'm in Birmingham if that's any good to you (and i have the upgrade kit) if you wanted to come over could do it there and then.
Janyce Henningson
I've just done the update - got a cheap USB to Serial cable from fleaBay

The only problem I had was getting the drivers to work for the cable on Win 7 but once i'd figured that the whole process was real easy.

Must say FW1.3 is miles better, just finished mapping and very happy with the results
Ashleigh Siwicki
Is any body based around East Midlands so I can borrow the VCI-100 Firmware Kit to carry out flash?
Janyce Henningson
Well I'm gonna have to use a serial to usb cable cos my pc only has an internal com header but hopefully it'll be ok.
Doug Bieling
Yup .... easy peasy lemon squeezy!... Secret is getting a decent serial cable. I did mine with one from maplin.
Janyce Henningson
Im just waiting for the FW kit to arrive from DJTT.

Doesn't look too hard as long as you follow the vid carefully.
Ill let ya know matey.
Mariah Itter
Yup done a few it's easy mate.

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