UK vci-100 users -Firmware
UK vci-100 users -Firmware Posted on: 05.07.2010 by Ashleigh Siwicki Has anyone from UK managed to carry out a firmware update of the vci-100. Just managed to get myself a standard vci-100 and wondering if any Uk based users have managed to do it. | |
Ashleigh Siwicki 05.07.2010 | Has anyone from UK managed to carry out a firmware update of the vci-100. Just managed to get myself a standard vci-100 and wondering if any Uk based users have managed to do it. |
Gary Quirin 21.07.2010 | troniksoul - I'm in Birmingham if that's any good to you (and i have the upgrade kit) if you wanted to come over could do it there and then. |
Janyce Henningson 08.07.2010 | I've just done the update - got a cheap USB to Serial cable from fleaBay The only problem I had was getting the drivers to work for the cable on Win 7 but once i'd figured that the whole process was real easy. Must say FW1.3 is miles better, just finished mapping and very happy with the results |
Ashleigh Siwicki 05.07.2010 | Is any body based around East Midlands so I can borrow the VCI-100 Firmware Kit to carry out flash? |
Janyce Henningson 05.07.2010 | Well I'm gonna have to use a serial to usb cable cos my pc only has an internal com header but hopefully it'll be ok. |
Doug Bieling 05.07.2010 | Yup .... easy peasy lemon squeezy!... Secret is getting a decent serial cable. I did mine with one from maplin. |
Janyce Henningson 05.07.2010 | Im just waiting for the FW kit to arrive from DJTT. Doesn't look too hard as long as you follow the vid carefully. Ill let ya know matey. |
Mariah Itter 05.07.2010 | Yup done a few it's easy mate. |
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