Leaving power switch in USB mode?

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Leaving power switch in USB mode?
Posted on: 27.07.2010 by Derrick Laguerre
Hi guys, Im just wondering if im putting my VCI 100 at risk by leaving the power switch in USB mode, rather than switching it on and off?

The switch seems very delicate, and to be honest im scared of breaking it if im switching it all the time.

What does everyone else do?
Derrick Laguerre
Hi guys, Im just wondering if im putting my VCI 100 at risk by leaving the power switch in USB mode, rather than switching it on and off?

The switch seems very delicate, and to be honest im scared of breaking it if im switching it all the time.

What does everyone else do?
Dora Laffer
Mine has been in USB the last 1,5 years. Works like a charm.
Corine Kasman
I leave it in USB. I hot unplug/plug if it freezes (the couple of times it has happened) with no problems.


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