Anyone in the UK with a Firmware upgrade kit I could borrow?

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Anyone in the UK with a Firmware upgrade kit I could borrow?
Posted on: 27.02.2012 by Ria Houland
Hi all,

I can't presently afford the $70 plus cost of a bios upgrade kit.

I'm getting annoyed with the lack of useability of the controllers full potential functionality.

Does anyone possibly have one I can borrow, I'd be willing to throw you some cash/ a voucher for the effort.

I'm based in Edinburgh.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Ria Houland
Hi all,

I can't presently afford the $70 plus cost of a bios upgrade kit.

I'm getting annoyed with the lack of useability of the controllers full potential functionality.

Does anyone possibly have one I can borrow, I'd be willing to throw you some cash/ a voucher for the effort.

I'm based in Edinburgh.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Ria Houland
Hey Alex,

Sounds good. I've programmed most of the functions I need under the Vestax FW 1.2, but the fact you lose the functionality of a few buttons through conflicting midi messages is a bit annoying. Shame I don't yet have the skills to make my own firmware kit to enable me to re-assign midi messages for each rotary/ button/ encoder myself, I'm sure Maplin would have most of the components.

Anyway, let me know if you get a hold of one, and if I get one I'll be in touch..
Verda Hyseni
Alright mate, I'm actually based in Edinburgh myself, and although I don't have an upgrade cable either, I do have a VCI-100 in need of one! So ear to the ground, and if I get one i'll be in touch, and vice-versa!?
Shoshana Brunckhorst
dude you very help me

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