Soldering issue

Soldering issue
Posted on: 03.01.2010 by Lynn Grippen
Hello fellow midifighters,

After browsing the community s, it seems like several other folks have a few missing pieces or are having to solder to get their buttons to fit. I certainly understand the missing pieces (those things are tiny and must be tough to keep track of), but could someone let me know what I should do for the soldering issue? I don't have a soldering iron, but I'm sure someone in my family or a friend does. Could any of you let me know what I should be doing? Don't want to ruin 'ole Midifighter #5 with a soldering mishap.

Also, I'm not even entirely sure this is the problem, as it appears there is enough room, though considering that is the problem others have had I'm assuming it's the only sensical thing.

Thanks for any help, I'm looking forward to rocking with it.

EDIT: With additional inspection (and a better flashlight), this is definitely the problem. Is this something I'll be able to figure out on my own? My soldering experience is extremely limited, although I do understand the concept behind it. I went to film school, which was fun but didn't really prepare me for stuff like this, haha.
Lynn Grippen
Hello fellow midifighters,

After browsing the community s, it seems like several other folks have a few missing pieces or are having to solder to get their buttons to fit. I certainly understand the missing pieces (those things are tiny and must be tough to keep track of), but could someone let me know what I should do for the soldering issue? I don't have a soldering iron, but I'm sure someone in my family or a friend does. Could any of you let me know what I should be doing? Don't want to ruin 'ole Midifighter #5 with a soldering mishap.

Also, I'm not even entirely sure this is the problem, as it appears there is enough room, though considering that is the problem others have had I'm assuming it's the only sensical thing.

Thanks for any help, I'm looking forward to rocking with it.

EDIT: With additional inspection (and a better flashlight), this is definitely the problem. Is this something I'll be able to figure out on my own? My soldering experience is extremely limited, although I do understand the concept behind it. I went to film school, which was fun but didn't really prepare me for stuff like this, haha.
Lynn Grippen
Glad to see your screws are on the way. Also, if the missing screws are just the top ones, you can still plug in the arcade buttons and it will keep it together enough for you to play with until the screws come. I wouldn't be super rough with it, but it's certainly sturdier than you might imagine.
Tell a lie: Just checked my email. Some screws are in the post. A class DJTT.
Ah Killer!

Looks like mine is missing four screws also! Massively sucks!
Was so looking forward to getting mine all ready and good to go!

I need my screws?
I've sent an email to DJTT but no reply? Can anyone help me!?
Lynn Grippen

After some awesome support from DJTT, I received a replacement PCB along with my missing screws. They also provided a return UPS label for the old PCB, so I didn't have to pay to ship it back. Classy!

I'm sad I had to give up old #5/300 because I didn't have a soldering iron, but it seems like #113 is ready to rock. Besides, I'd rather have a higher number that works than a lower number that I can just sit and drool over without using, haha.

Thanks again for all the support and suggestions everyone. I'm glad these dudes got my money because they are the real deal, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this community goes.
Glynis Mangona
i received 66/300 a couple of days ago. woot!

i'm assembling this weekend, because i want to custom the faceplate and back plate. but i did a test fit of all the button slots, and all were perfect. looks like i received all the screws as well.

just wanted to report the good news.

pics to come when its done.
Li Katterhenry
i had one button slot that seemed to be soldered completely shut. trying to force it in caused the button clip to bend. i took to it with an X-acto (?) knife and had success.
Lynn Grippen
For anyone interested or keeping track, I tried the heated knife technique, which worked to an extent, but not quite enough for my slot. I contacted the DJTT crew (who were already sending out the missing screws) and they've already sent out a replacement PCB. So if you have issues, fear not!
Danae Dumler
As someone with missing screws and the soldering problem in three buttons I want to say thank you; you've definitely been way cool about all of it. Sending the extra screws and offering to replace pcbs is very well appreciated!
Augustine Colosi
Very happy that the MF arrived so quickly to Australia, first day of post after new years. Have the soldering issue on one point. Have got some nice macro photos so that people can see a bit better. Luckily for me I've got a temperature controlled soldering iron, but in some cases if it's just a little solder build up it may be possible to gently scrape it away with a scribe.

Hopefully it's easy to fix.

thanks for your understanding folks. Keep in mind this is the first 300 of a brand new product so there are going to be a few kinks to iron out. I can promise you that we will do everything we can to be "way cool" and solve these problems immediately.
Deedra Burley
I guess it's just the issues that go with having the first batch of anything. However I can't say I'm dissapointed. Good luck with that board bro.

DJTT also already sent me an e-mail that they are shipping my 4 screws asap.
Lynn Grippen
OK, so I found it pretty impossible to take a clear picture so close with my old point-and-shoot, but in one of the pictures you can see a bigger blob of solder in the middle of the right clip. I'm also including a pic just to show how damn sexy it is so far!

And yes, this was number 5/300 so it's totally understandable. For the dude worrying about it, it seems like they've addressed these kinks already and as always are more than willing to help out if there is a problem, so I wouldn't worry about anything. These are early days and I don't mind the trouble at all.

Here are the pics:

Danae Dumler
Mine had three that were unusable because of the solder issue. I'd suggest future pcbs are checked closely, try popping a button in each set of holes before sending it out; it took me 30 seconds to identify all three bum slots. In every case it was the slot on the left (assuming you are looking at the pcb with the usb port on the top and "MIDI Fighter" right-side-up). It was completely sealed up.

I don't have a soldering iron either (at least not easily available) and it was 11pm so I couldn't go out and get one. And I sure as hell wasn't going to wait till morning to finish my Midifighter :-P So I heated up an x-acto knife with a lighter and poked and pushed and rocked it back and forth until the solder broke. I wouldn't recommend this method; the whole time I was believeing I was gonna cut through the pc board. It might be better if you have a copper paper clip but I tried a regular one and it didn't work - when it got hot enough it gave way before the solder did. Anyway in a pinch the x-acto knife worked but if you just get a soldering iron you will probably have an easier time of it. And when you get your kit check this out with a button (put it in every single slot) first rather than waiting until you are snapping them into the top piece; I already had several buttons in when I noticed the problem -- one of them jammed into one hole, the other piece bent, and then it was a huge hassle getting it out again. You can see pics of my trials and tribulations at including me heating up the x-acto knife....

apparently a few (1-5) of the MF's had clips that accidentally got soldered closed but the majority of them are working perfectly. Just shoot an email to orders@djranking and we will dispatch a new one to you right away. We are keeping a closer eye on this now so none will go out with the problem.
Random X
Well to be really sure, you could post some pictures, as that Midifidler and the rest of the MIDIfighter team could take a better look.
There were some issues with some of the PCBs that were sent in the first batch, but this is, or most certain will be solved asap.
Hmmm, getting quite concerned here about my midifighter. I live in the UK. Ordered mine and i'm pretty sure it's been dispatched.
Why are some of the sections shut? I don't own a soldering iron, and I wouldn't know how to operate one.
Also, I can only pray that all the screws are going to be there, otherwise i'm going to be waiting ages all the way over here in the UK.
Surely this should be sorted way before I spent my $160?
Lynn Grippen
I've tried the brute force method (to an extent) but this one is just closed enough that it starts to bend the plug when it's pushed. I'll post some pictures this afternoon when I get back from the grocery store to better illustrate what I'm talking about/show off my work so far.

I agree that the DJTT crew is very helpful, but this seems like a pretty simple fix so if it's something I can do I don't mind putting in the time myself.
Deedra Burley
When I received mine, at first glance I thought that the solder would prevent the buttons from snapping in. With a bit of pressure I was successfully able to get the buttons in with no hiccups.

Personally I wouldn't mess with the soldering iron because there's always the chance of damage to the board. From my experience with the staff at DJTT, they have been very helpful with any issues I've experienced. I would recommend e-mailing them and seeing what they suggest.

Then again, the solder issue didn't stop me from snapping my buttons in and my midi fighter is rockin! Contradictions
Laurel Litchko
hi, do you believe you could post some pictures or maybe even a short video. i'm sure this will make it easier for the djtt community to help =D

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