MIDI Fighter resistors? + faders?

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MIDI Fighter resistors? + faders?
Posted on: 22.10.2010 by Danae Dumler
I've had a MIDI-fighter mod project on hold for a while but I'm hoping to get on it in the next few weeks. Reading through the stuff here, it seems that to add faders or other controls, I will have to use resistors. But there's a comment here http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...light=resistor that there are already resistors on the board that just have to be enabled in the firmware. Is there a new firmware that supports them yet or should I plan to add resistors myself? I'm a rank amateur when it comes to electronic projects; took some classes decades ago but I haven't held a soldering iron since...

Also, I plan to add some kind of scratch fader to the kit. I was planning to use an Innofader but I decided to hold off on spending that kind of money for now in case I screw everything up. I found the Infinium optical faders from Behringer for less than half the price. Is that the cheapest scratch fader I can find, and will that work in a midifighter mod?

Finally, I'm hoping to make this wireless. Anyone have suggestions on a wireless USB adapter that could easily be plugged into the modified midifighter? Not sure where to start on this.

Danae Dumler
I've had a MIDI-fighter mod project on hold for a while but I'm hoping to get on it in the next few weeks. Reading through the stuff here, it seems that to add faders or other controls, I will have to use resistors. But there's a comment here http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...light=resistor that there are already resistors on the board that just have to be enabled in the firmware. Is there a new firmware that supports them yet or should I plan to add resistors myself? I'm a rank amateur when it comes to electronic projects; took some classes decades ago but I haven't held a soldering iron since...

Also, I plan to add some kind of scratch fader to the kit. I was planning to use an Innofader but I decided to hold off on spending that kind of money for now in case I screw everything up. I found the Infinium optical faders from Behringer for less than half the price. Is that the cheapest scratch fader I can find, and will that work in a midifighter mod?

Finally, I'm hoping to make this wireless. Anyone have suggestions on a wireless USB adapter that could easily be plugged into the modified midifighter? Not sure where to start on this.

Letty Holechek
Hey I was just wondering do the 10k linear pots fit the fluorescent or black knobs in the dj tech tools store? And what would be the best and cheapest faders to use without spending a lot of money
Yee Bedilion
Thats awesome.

would the super fader functionality be obtainable by just an analog fader, there must be something more to extensive for that.
Margo Gilb
sliders do have the same connections ans pots - you can easily do that.
Yee Bedilion
If I wanted to add 4 sliders instead of knobs. Would that be possible/as easy as adding pots?

I guess I should research if faders are analog or digital.
robert chanda
Without programming, only 4 analog inputs. With programming more are possible.
There's a step-by-step article about modding the Mdifighter here:

http://www.djranking s.com/2010/02/0...n-midi-crisis/
Patty Mcgilbra
I'm believeing about picking up a MF and mod it a bit. how hard would it be to add 4 faders and 4 buttons to it? i have no idea about electronics but a friend who does so I would have some decent support on it

oh and it's 4 analogue inputs so only 4 faders/knobs possible or could i do 4 each?
robert chanda
A simple 10K linear POT is exactly what you need.

Fourbanks mode is working, menu mode has been altered to make selecting an invalid basenote impossible, analog and digital inputs produce midi notes relative to the basenote (because the analog inputs are now smart knobs that produce both CCs and Notes).

Currently trying to find a way to differentiate the initial display of 4banks mode (top-left LED lit) from a broken USB connection... flashing is a little annoying, dimming with software PWM isn't working. Working on a timer-based PWM or maybe futzing with the Dot Correction on the LED driver... ooh, there's an idea.

Write up docs tomorrow, adding an easter-egg for sharp eyed users and then it should be released in the next couple of days, modulo infuriating bugs.
Edgar Freeze
glad to hear firmware updates are on the way. I've poked around this community looking to add faders as well. Are there any recommended? Will a simple 10K linear due?
Danae Dumler
Thanks for the news! I'll hold off for a little while longer then, sounds like it will be worth it.
robert chanda
Essentially, the next firmware update will remove the need for resistors on the digital inputs, plus a host of new MIDI features. Documentation explicitly demonstrating what you need to do to add switches to the expansion ports will accompany the update. Th code is already being used successfully on the Ean Golden custom controllers.

Yes, I've been promising this for a while but things are moving a lot more quickly on the firmware front recently. Long story, but a significant update is coming.

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