Anyone Else from the most recent batch get their MFs yet?

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Anyone Else from the most recent batch get their MFs yet?
Posted on: 07.04.2011 by Gloria Lemmel
Hey all, I purchased my MF on March 20th and still haven't gotten it. I'm just kind of worried, mainly because I got some stickers from DJTT a while ago and didn't get them until DJTT said they had sent them to the wrong address. I know first hand that they don't take hours to put together because when I went to the DJTT HQ a couple of weeks ago they put one together in like 5 minutes in front of my eyes. So just wondering, has anyone else from batch (5??) gotten their MFs yet?
Azalee Walt
Well that sucks. I ordered mine on March 8th and still haven't received a shipping notice. The excitement of getting mine has pretty much worn off...which means I might be canceling my order soon.
Carma Panhorst
Purchased mine on the March 13th
just got it in today
well worth the wait of almost a month

i was just as antsy as you were buddy
but patience is a virtue
Kaci Kendzora
I purchased mine a coupe of days ago. It looks like Im not gonna see it for a while. Im in no rush anyways as long as i dont have any problems with it.
Leonardo Papajohn
Patients, I ordered mine on feb 25th and I just got it in this week. :eek:

hang in there buddy
Len Ladera
Just got mine, built it, works awesome

Quiana Sedey
Yeah I understand they are hand assembled and all that, but when you order something and it says "new orders will ship in 1-2 weeks" and dont have a shipping number or product in your hand almost 3 weeks later, its definitely kinda disappointing.

Also I wouldnt even know about the delay had I not emailed them, since they didnt contact people who preordered.

Not a serious complaint, as I am more than willing to wait for quality and for things to be done right, just very antsy to get my hands on my purchase.
robert chanda
They're working hard putting them together from scratch - soldering clips, constructing, checking, packing. I see a huge number going out the door every day.
Quiana Sedey
I purchased on the 19th, emailed them on the 26th asking if I was included in the preorders shipped when the status changed on the 21st saying preorders were shipping, and recieved a response on the 29th saying

We have the PCBs in for the Midi Fighters, but they still need to be finished up. Each PCB we receive has to be sanded smooth, flashed, and all of the clips for the buttons have to be soldered in. This process takes a little bit of time, and we have many pre-ordered controllers to build. Your order should ship in about a week and a half.
We are doing everything we can and working late hours to make sure we can get as many out the door a day as possible. Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused.
So who knows when we will actually receive them vv

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