Need some advice after the purchase of a second hand midi fighter

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Need some advice after the purchase of a second hand midi fighter
Posted on: 22.07.2011 by Etha Lockie
Hello there,
Yesterday I bought a second hand midi fighter to a guy by internet, (80 euros, 115 $)
I'm really glad to finally have my own MF, many time that I was looking for
I will receive it next week so I wonder what advice do I need to make my perfect one.
Let me explain, I wan't to know if I will have some update to do? (firmware,etc...) what mapping will be the best for my use, etc
Have I to register my unit?? and how to do?
Have I to activate 4 banks mode? and how to do this?
I would like to have the maximum of advices to run my MF perfectly.
I count on you, thanks in advance for your advices

PS: for the mapping, It could help, I will buy a native instruments kontrol S4 next month

PS: sorry for my poor english, i'm french
Etha Lockie
Hello there,
Yesterday I bought a second hand midi fighter to a guy by internet, (80 euros, 115 $)
I'm really glad to finally have my own MF, many time that I was looking for
I will receive it next week so I wonder what advice do I need to make my perfect one.
Let me explain, I wan't to know if I will have some update to do? (firmware,etc...) what mapping will be the best for my use, etc
Have I to register my unit?? and how to do?
Have I to activate 4 banks mode? and how to do this?
I would like to have the maximum of advices to run my MF perfectly.
I count on you, thanks in advance for your advices

PS: for the mapping, It could help, I will buy a native instruments kontrol S4 next month

PS: sorry for my poor english, i'm french
Ella Rick
Congrats on your new purchase, you won't be disapointed

Check out the stickys ;

Big Thread of Midi Fighter How To's

Midifighter Update for Mac and Windows

Midi Fighter Mappings

all your answers are found there,

as for mapping for MF use the deckalized mapping,
then when you get your S4,then use the IG Mapping

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