Reply to Need some advice after the purchase of a second hand midi fighter

Need some advice after the purchase of a second hand midi fighter
Hello there,
Yesterday I bought a second hand midi fighter to a guy by internet, (80 euros, 115 $)
I'm really glad to finally have my own MF, many time that I was looking for
I will receive it next week so I wonder what advice do I need to make my perfect one.
Let me explain, I wan't to know if I will have some update to do? (firmware,etc...) what mapping will be the best for my use, etc
Have I to register my unit?? and how to do?
Have I to activate 4 banks mode? and how to do this?
I would like to have the maximum of advices to run my MF perfectly.
I count on you, thanks in advance for your advices

PS: for the mapping, It could help, I will buy a native instruments kontrol S4 next month

PS: sorry for my poor english, i'm french
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