Really weird problem with my Midifighter in External 4 Banks mode.

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Really weird problem with my Midifighter in External 4 Banks mode.
Posted on: 13.09.2011 by Lakeisha Allaway
Hey guys.
I have a super strange problem with my midifighter

I have added 4 buttons to the digital expansion ports on the PCB.
When i have my midifighter in internal four banks mode the added buttons works like a charm. They do exactly what they are suppose to do at all times.

When i switch my midifighter to external four banks mode things starts to act really weird,

Activating bank 1 works perfectly...
Activating bank 2 after that works fine...
but trying to go to bank 3 is only possible while im in bank 1 or 4!?
it is not possible to go straight from bank 1 to bank 4 or from bank 4 straight to 1.
I can access all banks if i work around it tho and push them in the right order...

How can this be?
In internal 4 banks mode they work just fine!
Connections seems to be perfect!

Any help is extreemly appreciated, im almost done with my mod and it would be such a waste if i cant get this to work...

ps. the added "external buttons" sends out midi notes even in 4 "external banks mode" aswell as behave as stated above. their not suppose to right?
Lakeisha Allaway
Hey guys.
I have a super strange problem with my midifighter

I have added 4 buttons to the digital expansion ports on the PCB.
When i have my midifighter in internal four banks mode the added buttons works like a charm. They do exactly what they are suppose to do at all times.

When i switch my midifighter to external four banks mode things starts to act really weird,

Activating bank 1 works perfectly...
Activating bank 2 after that works fine...
but trying to go to bank 3 is only possible while im in bank 1 or 4!?
it is not possible to go straight from bank 1 to bank 4 or from bank 4 straight to 1.
I can access all banks if i work around it tho and push them in the right order...

How can this be?
In internal 4 banks mode they work just fine!
Connections seems to be perfect!

Any help is extreemly appreciated, im almost done with my mod and it would be such a waste if i cant get this to work...

ps. the added "external buttons" sends out midi notes even in 4 "external banks mode" aswell as behave as stated above. their not suppose to right?
robert chanda
Midifidler tells me he's going back to look at the last firmware update.

I'm no longer the last person to touch the code so I'm gonna have to stop making such confident statements.

So you're right, it's could well a firmware issue.
Lakeisha Allaway
Thx for your response Limey.

It cant be a short like that since im able to get perfect midi messages in wich order i want if im using the 4 added buttons in internal banks mode, right?

Theres also no problem switching between bank 4 and 3 while in external mode.

I spoke to Jobber, another member on this community , who has the exact same problem.

He started a thread about some time ago but the problem remains.

He also said that guywithknife tested this on his midifighter classic and confirmed the problem.

The Midifighter is such an awesome machine i would hate to see my project fail because of this

Could the new firmware be causing theese problems?
robert chanda
Sounds like you have a short between keys 2 and 3.

You can only enter a new bank if you press a button other than the bank you are currently in. If two keys are being pressed at the same time (very rare but possible) then the rightmost bank is selected. Sounds like keys 2 and 3 are being fired simultanuiously.

Selecting a bank sends a NoteOff for the current bank and a NoteOn for the new bank. Check with a MIDI dumer what messages are being sent, that should tell you what's happening.

Nice build by the way.

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