Reply to Really weird problem with my Midifighter in External 4 Banks mode.

Really weird problem with my Midifighter in External 4 Banks mode.
Hey guys.
I have a super strange problem with my midifighter

I have added 4 buttons to the digital expansion ports on the PCB.
When i have my midifighter in internal four banks mode the added buttons works like a charm. They do exactly what they are suppose to do at all times.

When i switch my midifighter to external four banks mode things starts to act really weird,

Activating bank 1 works perfectly...
Activating bank 2 after that works fine...
but trying to go to bank 3 is only possible while im in bank 1 or 4!?
it is not possible to go straight from bank 1 to bank 4 or from bank 4 straight to 1.
I can access all banks if i work around it tho and push them in the right order...

How can this be?
In internal 4 banks mode they work just fine!
Connections seems to be perfect!

Any help is extreemly appreciated, im almost done with my mod and it would be such a waste if i cant get this to work...

ps. the added "external buttons" sends out midi notes even in 4 "external banks mode" aswell as behave as stated above. their not suppose to right?
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