Top half of midi-fighter not working

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Top half of midi-fighter not working
Posted on: 14.07.2011 by Maryjo Gower
Has anyone had an issue similar to this or know a fix? I had my midifighter working fine on my desktop (PC) in my apartment, and just brought it back home to CT to mess around with it on my brothers Mac and the bottom 8 buttons work fine, but the top 8 get no response in the Audio Midi Setup, and pressing the right-most button in the second row lights up all top 8, and no other button lights up anything in the top 8.

I tried re-flashing the firmware, and tried on my Windows laptop here now too, same issue. Anyone have this happen or know how to fix it?
Maryjo Gower
Has anyone had an issue similar to this or know a fix? I had my midifighter working fine on my desktop (PC) in my apartment, and just brought it back home to CT to mess around with it on my brothers Mac and the bottom 8 buttons work fine, but the top 8 get no response in the Audio Midi Setup, and pressing the right-most button in the second row lights up all top 8, and no other button lights up anything in the top 8.

I tried re-flashing the firmware, and tried on my Windows laptop here now too, same issue. Anyone have this happen or know how to fix it?
Adolf Hit
Hey guys,

This is a hardware fault, please contact orders@djranking to arrange a replacement.
Kimberely Norskog
Hey Langoleer,
I've had a similar problem except its the bottom 8 buttons that won't map using the Audio Midi Setup. Likewise when I press the bottom right button it lights up all 8.

Did you manage to figure out what was wrong???

Anybody else have any suggestions?

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