MF Pro Beat Masher Mapping (Traktor Pro)

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MF Pro Beat Masher Mapping (Traktor Pro)
Posted on: 10.06.2011 by Jodi Lacerra
The MF Pro Beat Masher mapping for Traktor Pro in finally here!

Please use the Large Import button on the bottom left section of the Preferences window to import this mapping.

After doing so, please go into the Controller Manager section of Preferences and set the appropriate In-Ports and Out-Ports for your MF Pro Beat Masher.

There will be a video tutorial on this mapping in the future; for now please refer to the visual layout.

This is a Deck Specific mapping where each MF Pro Beat Masher is designed to only control one deck, Deck A or Deck B.

The core 4x4 arcade button part of this mapping takes concepts from both the Deckalized mapping and the Instant Gratification mapping; however, it is not a direct combination of both. For example, Shift+Record will still trigger Juggle Mode when not "Recording". However, if you press Shift+Record while "Recording" you will find that the "Sample Slicer" functionality has dramatically changed.

EDIT: The Focus mappings are now available to download below. To move the Deck Focus around, Press the Shift button + the Sync button. "Focus" will move from Decks A->B->C->D->A, but "Focus AB" moves from A->B->A.

Please use this community thread for any bugs or questions regarding this mapping.

EDIT: Mappings now updated to v2.3.1. Only major change is that there is now an FX Preset 4.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by huss
Is there a way to have the Instant Gratification mapping for the arcade buttons as well as the function that the filter and duel fades. Also will the FX presets be functional as well.
The answer to your question is NO, there is currently no mapping that has the Instant Gratification on the arcade buttons but also uses the faders to control effects (as the MF Pro mappings do), the filter knob, and also utilizes the FX presets.

However, it would be possible to make a mapping like this and I will take these ideas into consideration for the future. Thanks for your input.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by XDSebXD
But now Ive got Traktor recognizing when I press buttons, Ive got MF Pro BeatMasher v2.3.1 [Focus AB] imported, but none of the effects work. The CTRL light flashes anytime I touch any button or fader/knob on my beat masher but it doesn't cause any of the fx to work. Im such a noob when it comes to stuff like this. If anyone knows the solution please help!
It sounds like you may have changed the MIDI channel that your MF Pro outputs somehow (e.g., the menu mode). It should be sending out MIDI on Ch.3, which you can check using free Midi monitoring software (Midi OX for Windows or Midi Pipe for Mac) or even by mapping random things ("add in" anything and then "learn") in Traktor.

Otherwise my guess is that you may have put the MF Pro into 4 Banks Mode without realizing it (and the MF Pro mappings do not use 4 Banks Mode).
Hilario Norrod
I just tried the Beat Masher Mapping and i wonder if there is a Layout picture or diagram that shows the Shift functions.
Can't figure out how to navigate through the different Modes.

I can switch between "cuepoints" mode
and the "mash and tempo control" mode

Sometimes i get access to a lot of FX but i can't get there on purpose

Colin Sobin
Is there a way to have the Instant Gratification mapping for the arcade buttons as well as the function that the filter and duel fades. Also will the FX presets be functional as well.
Temple Densing
FINALLY! Ive figured out my problem. But now Ive got Traktor recognizing when I press buttons, Ive got MF Pro BeatMasher v2.3.1 [Focus AB] imported, but none of the effects work. The CTRL light flashes anytime I touch any button or fader/knob on my beat masher but it doesn't cause any of the fx to work. Im such a noob when it comes to stuff like this. If anyone knows the solution please help!

Thanks guys
Frederic Acidera
Have you imported the correct mapping with the big import button?
Jodi Lacerra
I just reposted updated tsi files for the MF Pro Beatmasher mapping, now version 2.3.1. You can find the download files back on the initial post of this thread.

The only real change to the mappings are that there is now an FX Preset 4! Enjoy the fader mashing!
Lajuana Snock
Just got my MFPro today...sweet!!!

No probs no delays....everything works as it should

Noticed the FX preset 4 isnt working, but already read that they're coming up with a 4th preset

Great job DJranking s...keep making more awesome stuff and I'll keep buying it
Letty Olewiler
still no luck with my mf pro. ive even just tried the new updater and went through everything. I know its not tp2 anymore at least because i used a nanopad2 with it and everything was smooth. it makes me wonder even more what it could be though. i might be in the bay area soon might i stop by the shop for an mf checkup. i just want this figured out.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by flashflooder
There should be 4 FX presets.
My apologies for confusing people with this statement. I must've been testing the Cue Master tsi or just misspoke.
Jodi Lacerra
Hey everyone, just wanted to inform people that in the current posted tsi for the MF Pro Beatmasher, there are only 3 FX Presets (with FX Preset 4 empty).

This was a product of us rushing to get this mapping out around the time of the MF Pro release and Ean only had 3 FX Presets that he was happy with at that time.

However, I am now working on filling that FX Preset 4 and fixing anything else that needs to be addressed. I am planning on uploading an updated version with the new FX preset sometime this week.

If anyone believes they have found bugs, weird functionality, or something not useful that you would like to see changed, please reply to this thread and I will try to take everyone's comments into consideration. Thanks.
Hunter Renslow
Originally Posted by aGhost
Spend the evening doing all according to the book... importing using the "big import button", restarted my computer several times, deleted all the extra mappings for my other controllers, jumped backwards 3 times ....and no luck getting the 4th bank to come up. I Tried all the TSIs for the BMP and non of them load the 4th efx bank. Tried the cue master and the TSI loads the 4th bank...! So There might be a bug or what else could it be?

Same problem here
Frederic Acidera
Originally Posted by flashflooder
There should be 4 FX presets.
Spend the evening doing all according to the book... importing using the "big import button", restarted my computer several times, deleted all the extra mappings for my other controllers, jumped backwards 3 times ....and no luck getting the 4th bank to come up. I Tried all the TSIs for the BMP and non of them load the 4th efx bank. Tried the cue master and the TSI loads the 4th bank...! So There might be a bug or what else could it be?
Keeley Lotte
Originally Posted by Rusty
Is it just me or is there only 3 FX presets in this mapping?
I'm experiencing this as well. Despite importing the .tsi file multiple times the 4th fx preset button loads nothing on my end.
Tawnya Attia
Few Days later I've adapted this mapping to the cue master
Any interested parties can grab it here:- http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=36970
Tawnya Attia
I was curious if it'd be possible to adapt this mapping to the cue master....
the midi signals are completely messed up when i import the tsi on my
cue master but even in its broken state the effects are a lot more fun
than the traditional cue master mapping.... Since the XX fader mapping
seemes to be DOA right now would it be possible for someone that has
a beatmasher to post all the midi signals the faders send over here ?

from my testing it seems that the top right fader is actually attached to
the same spot as the top right knob on the cue master and the
beatmashers filter knob is attached to the spot that the right fader is
on the cue master...... so its not that simple to port over without knowing
all the midi signals :/

I'd much appreciate some help.
Letty Olewiler
i turned the latency all the way up figuring yeah might be slow reaction but to no avail still bogs down harder than hell. i really dont know what it could be. ive reinstalled everything more than once i even had everything erased clean off my mac and tried it when only traktor and a few songs were on there. i mean ive done literally everything i can believe of different cables and everything. i sent mine in once because of firmware issues but i dont believe they would have sent it back if it didnt work. im just super disappointed.
Lillian Woolum
ethan, have you tried raising the latency in audio setup for traktor?
Letty Olewiler
i dont know what to do and ive had this for 3 months and to this day have not got to use it. im very dissappointed
Letty Olewiler
ive tried redownloading everything and still bogs the cpu. i can use my nanopad still soits something to do with the mfpro tsi file or firmware. ive tried redownloading the tsi many times so im assuming it could be the firmware because i had to send my mf in once already
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by S.I.N.S
This is the first time I've ever tried mapping anything out so I'm about besides myself at the moment. I've downloaded the zips in the first post, I'm not sure which one to import into TP2, but what I do have in there now lets me use the faders for decks A and not for deck B and none of the buttons are responding. The blue LED shows up, but nothing happens.
The "Focus" mappings are for using one MF Pro to control multiple decks (Focus for all 4, FocusAB for only 2). The non focus mapping is designed for 2 MF Pro Beatmashers with one dedicated to Deck A and one to Deck B.

After importing the mapping you want to use, you may need to go into the Controller Manager of Traktor's Preferences, select each mapping in the "Device" listbox, and set the In-Port and Out-Port for each mapping to the corresponding controller. The MF Pro mappings have 2 mappings that need to be assigned to the MF Pro each (one will be MF Pro FX... and the other MF Deck+IG

The MF Pro mappings should default to "All Ports" when importing, which will work fine but could conflict if you have other controllers also plugged in that share MIDI In data or MIDI out instances mapped.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by dj_sensible
Hi, Ive downloaded the mappings for beatmasher focus (both focus a-b & focus) but I cant manage to change the focus from deck A on both mappings, I press shift + synch but the midifighter still only controls deck a. Please help...
You should be able to change the Deck Focus by pressing Shift+Sync button. If this does not work, you may need to go into Traktor's Preferences->Global Settings and make sure that the "Deck Focus" is set to "Software"
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by kdelca7470
Honestly I can't get nothing but my S4 working with TP2. But TP it's all good. I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong but have yet to get it Workin. Mf classic nor mf pro!!
Very strange. Everything should work fine with TP2 (I did all of my testing on TP2). I would just make sure that your In-Ports and Out-Ports are properly assigned to your extra controllers when selecting your mappings in the Controller Manager of Traktor's Preferences.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by ethan
i need assistance. Im running a macbook 7,1. 2 gigs ram and 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo. when i use my s4 in traktor pro 2 everything is fine and dandy but when i upload my mf pro(beatmasher) tsi files into traktor my cpu just freezes the whole program and shuts it down. i tookm my comp into apple and had them do i diagnostic to make sure it wasnt anything with the computer so it wasnt and i was told to just restore everything and reinstall everything. after doing that i experience the same problem. should i add more ram or is there something else i can do. also ive tried fiddling with the input output routings and usually it freezes up while doing that
This sounds pretty strange. My guess would be that the TSI file you downloaded has either gotten corrupted somehow or your Traktor program is corrupted. I would try redownloading/reinstalling either or both and if that doesn't fix your issue, test the TSI file you have and your MF Pro on a different computer with Traktor and see whether the issues persists.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by Rusty
Is it just me or is there only 3 FX presets in this mapping?
There should be 4 FX presets.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by marky_tool
dont suppose anybody knows what the midi fighter pro outputs? as far as midi notes goes?
Yes, I have them all written out. If you send me an email or PM I can send them to you.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by other1
So the "super knob" has the same values on the knobs as the faders on the "beat
it would just take some remapping then?
The extra analog controls (i.e., knobs/faders) on the MF Pro models share the same MIDI Note/CC values so they should not require any remapping. The controls just may not be very ergonomic or intuitive when using a different MF Pro.
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by ivantodorov

After "importing" the mapping I get 4 new devices:

MF Pro FX Beatmasher [Deck A]
MF Pro FX Beatmasher [Deck B]
MF_A - Deck + IGv1.5.7
MF_B - Deck + IGv1.5.7

If I have only 1 MFProBeatmasher device do I assign the in/out ports to only the As for the MF Pro and MF_A devices or just the MF Pro devices? With another words, why am I getting 2 types of devices for A and B? Should I assign both to in/out ports under the MF Pro Beat Masher device or just one?

As a side note, I'm using this with the S4. After "importing" the mapping, my S4 controller seems to disappear and I have to re-add it.
The mapping you were using was designed to be used with 2 MF Pros. There are now "Focus" mappings which allow you to use one MF Pro to control multiple decks.

In the case of the original mapping you are referring to you would assign the In and Out ports of the "A" mappings to one MF Pro and the "B" mappings to the other. This can get confusing because both MF Pros may have the same name in the port lists, just make sure to use the same ordered one and it should work fine.
Nerissa Lampropoulos
Success! I just kept reimporting the tsi until it worked and I've finally managed to get it to work. Now the only problem I'm having is that the beat masher 1 button is not responding to anything. It lights up at start up, but won't do anything else. Hopefully it's something I'm doing and don't need to send it in.

But from here it's now just a matter of tweaking it out. Like the beat mashers that do work, I want them to mash instantly. My system there is tiny delay between when I push and when it starts to loop. Should be an easy fix though. I hope.
devozz baby
Since I like knobs and wanted an extra analog input I can tell u all that if u load this mapping on a midifighter pro SUPER KNOB the two bottom knobs work as the faders on the beatmasher and the top left as the filter.

awsome job by DJTECHTOOLS!

buildquality is effin epic
Cara Silagyi
Just pulled the trigger on a Midi Fighter Pro (Beatmasher). Any estimates on when I can expect this little bundle of joy to arrive on my door step?
Meg Reinoehl
good to hear!
Azalee Howen
Originally Posted by dj_sensible
yeah, Ive been using the big import button at the bottom of the preferences window but it still doesn't work, It works fine when I use the midifighter instant grat mapping.... aah, Ive just thought, is it because the MF is still in 4 banks mode in the MF menu? If so can you remind me how to get it back, Sorry if my problem are due to my inexperience, I am new and trying very hard to get my head around mappings and controllerism but still f*****g loving it!!
Ignore me, I answered my own question..... what a dick! changed out of 4 banks mode and problem solved.
Azalee Howen
Originally Posted by No Left Turn
Make sure you're importing the Focus AB mapping using the big import button on the bottom of the controller manager.
yeah, Ive been using the big import button at the bottom of the preferences window but it still doesn't work, It works fine when I use the midifighter instant grat mapping.... aah, Ive just thought, is it because the MF is still in 4 banks mode in the MF menu? If so can you remind me how to get it back, Sorry if my problem are due to my inexperience, I am new and trying very hard to get my head around mappings and controllerism but still f*****g loving it!!
Meg Reinoehl
S.I.N.S... you only need to import the Beatmasher mapping. You do NOT have to import both that AND the Instant Gratification mapping. Only import the Beatmasher mapping (FocusAB) using the big import button on the bottom of the controller manager.

If you still get an error, what does it say?
Nerissa Lampropoulos
Ha. Now I feel worse. I can't imagine what I could have done wrong.
Tamara Stordahl
Cool i just got my BMP and i have to say it was easy to set up and works like a charm thanks DJTT
Nerissa Lampropoulos
So I downloaded the FOCUS[AB] and Instant Gratification TSI's and tried to import them in hopes something would happen, all I got was an error message and nothing happening.

Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong or how to fix it?
Meg Reinoehl
Originally Posted by dj_sensible
Hi, Ive downloaded the mappings for beatmasher focus (both focus a-b & focus) but I cant manage to change the focus from deck A on both mappings, I press shift + synch but the midifighter still only controls deck a. Please help...
Make sure you're importing the Focus AB mapping using the big import button on the bottom of the controller manager.
Meg Reinoehl
Originally Posted by Mankoff
1. The FXbuttons doesnt always load the same 3 effects, it almost seems to load at random.
You may want to try reimporting the .tsi file and/or removing the 4 new FX from the FX list in the preferences, reimporting, and then putting them back in.

2.After maybe 20-30 seconds of playing with the faders the effects will change there too. Example: Gater might all of the sudden become Beatmasher. Also the faders will sometimes not trigger an effect.
This will happen if you have an FX preset loaded and then activate one of the Beatmasher buttons. You can easily remedy this by re-activating one of the FX preset buttons.

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