Mapping function + LED = flipping Traktor

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Mapping function + LED = flipping Traktor
Posted on: 06.10.2009 by Neal Rayome
Hi guys,

I just had some time free, so I thought let's map the LEDs on my VCM-600. I'm running Traktor Scratch Pro 1.2.1 at the moment and for what I've heard they changed the way you have to map the LEDs. I couldn't find much information in how to do this correctly and now I encountered a problem. When I map a button with a LED underneath it, I first assign it to a control with Add in, then I map the button and choose toggle as interaction mode. For the LED I choose Add out and select the same midi note and choose LED as type of controller. The problem I get with this is that the function (and the LED) I have assigned to the button doesn't stay on while it should. I also have the function load selected mapped on a button and LED. The interaction mode for the button is toggle, but when I press the button, it starts loading my whole tracklist in the deck like crazy. I'm doing something wrong here, but who can help me out?

Neal Rayome
Hi guys,

I just had some time free, so I thought let's map the LEDs on my VCM-600. I'm running Traktor Scratch Pro 1.2.1 at the moment and for what I've heard they changed the way you have to map the LEDs. I couldn't find much information in how to do this correctly and now I encountered a problem. When I map a button with a LED underneath it, I first assign it to a control with Add in, then I map the button and choose toggle as interaction mode. For the LED I choose Add out and select the same midi note and choose LED as type of controller. The problem I get with this is that the function (and the LED) I have assigned to the button doesn't stay on while it should. I also have the function load selected mapped on a button and LED. The interaction mode for the button is toggle, but when I press the button, it starts loading my whole tracklist in the deck like crazy. I'm doing something wrong here, but who can help me out?

Neal Rayome
The controller and midi range are respectively 0-1 and 0-127, so that should be OK. With the load selected button the LED was inverted, but I want the LED to light up when a deck is empty and to go out when I load a track. I also checked if there are double mappings, but only for a button and the underlying LED. As interaction modes I only use toggle, and if that is not available I use trigger. The toggle function is, sadly enough, the only function that is not working correctly; hold and direct work properly. For clarification I added the .tsi file. I would appreciate it if someone could check this for faults.
Latoria Kavulich
Hey mate. I'm having a look in the mapping prefs atm i can try to help you a bit.
Now for the fisrst led problem have a look in the led options section at the bottom. Is the controller range 0 to 1, and the midi range 0 to 127? This should work. Also maybe you have a conflict highlight your mapping and scroll round to see if anything comes up.
Now for the load deck thing you need a separate mapping for Load Deck and Unload Deck. You can use the same button just put a modifier on it. All i can see is trigger, not togggle so did you duplicate and then use invert on the second? that may be causing some issues for ya.

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