need help mapping my x1

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need help mapping my x1
Posted on: 12.08.2013 by Elsie Golis
Hi all, I need some help mapping my x1. I want to map my x1 to function sort of like a x1 mk2 minus the touch strips because I plan on buying a x1 mk2 soon and they should sit alongisde well.

So far it's going well (mapping the flux button to cup etc) but I hit a roadblock regarding my mapping skills.
I want to map the sync button so that when I hold sync and turn the loop encoder, it changes the BPM without turning on sync just like on the mk2 but I can't figure out how to do this for the life of me. I can easily map a button to do my bidding or to act as a shift button for something else with modifiers (I only recently found out how to use modifiers) but how do I apply multiple functions to a button like this? is it even possible?

help is appreciated
Elsie Golis
Hi all, I need some help mapping my x1. I want to map my x1 to function sort of like a x1 mk2 minus the touch strips because I plan on buying a x1 mk2 soon and they should sit alongisde well.

So far it's going well (mapping the flux button to cup etc) but I hit a roadblock regarding my mapping skills.
I want to map the sync button so that when I hold sync and turn the loop encoder, it changes the BPM without turning on sync just like on the mk2 but I can't figure out how to do this for the life of me. I can easily map a button to do my bidding or to act as a shift button for something else with modifiers (I only recently found out how to use modifiers) but how do I apply multiple functions to a button like this? is it even possible?

help is appreciated
Kellie Myrum
There are couple of different routs to achieve this trick but this always stays the same, BPM turns on shift M=1

I believe this was the reason for NI to add new INVERT option in 2.6.2 so they don't need to use good old Traktor inverting trick in their mappings.
Elsie Golis
HOLY SHIT stewe thanks a bunch mate I got it to do what I want by accident but the trick lies indeed in setting sync on to inverted.

I did it using a chain of 3 modifiers: the first modifier is triggered by holding down the sync button, setting the value to 1 (value 1 is required for sync to turn on) while sync on is inverted (on release). now turning the encoder sets the modifer to 2 preventing the sync to turn on and chaning bpm! then when I release the sync button it resets the modifier value back to 0. I know it is quite complicated and I surely believe it could be done easier but it does exactly what I want

so bscly: sync press and hold = value 1, encoder turned yes/no? if not keep value 1 and turn on sync on release
If yes, set value to 2 for changing bpm, reset value to 0 on release of sync button
Kellie Myrum
Sync on / M=0 should prevent sync from turning on. But you can also map enc CC to directly disable sync (direct=0) when you start changing BPM.

Sync direct=1 (inverted) to switch on sync on release of the button.

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