Mapping LED to blink on X1 in NI Hid mode

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Mapping LED to blink on X1 in NI Hid mode
Posted on: 30.10.2013 by Abe Cronister
OK, so after reading various threads and posts i have seen about this i came to a conclusion its not possible to map a led on the x1 to blink when flux mode is on.
Perhaps i am wrong and simply need some advice from the more advanced mappers out there.what i have done and managed to accomplish is have the led on when flux mode is active and off when deactivated, that i got rather easily, though what i would like to do is have it blinking when flux mode is on, i tried it with a beat phase but to no avail, either it blinked continuously or not at all, i gather that is because it blinks when the deck play is activated and when deck is stopped it stops blinking since it works with a beat.
So am i right to assume that one cannot have a led blinking to show when flux is on.
a side not, i mapped the flux to my FX on since i use effects in group and not really in single mode so i would like this on x1 native NHL and not in midi mode.

any help on this would be appreciated.
Abe Cronister
OK, so after reading various threads and posts i have seen about this i came to a conclusion its not possible to map a led on the x1 to blink when flux mode is on.
Perhaps i am wrong and simply need some advice from the more advanced mappers out there.what i have done and managed to accomplish is have the led on when flux mode is active and off when deactivated, that i got rather easily, though what i would like to do is have it blinking when flux mode is on, i tried it with a beat phase but to no avail, either it blinked continuously or not at all, i gather that is because it blinks when the deck play is activated and when deck is stopped it stops blinking since it works with a beat.
So am i right to assume that one cannot have a led blinking to show when flux is on.
a side not, i mapped the flux to my FX on since i use effects in group and not really in single mode so i would like this on x1 native NHL and not in midi mode.

any help on this would be appreciated.
Kellie Myrum
Yup, I gave an example by using a modifier #1 but as you got figured out any of available modifiers can be used.

You're welcome!
Abe Cronister
That did it Stewe, much appreciated, though i used modifier 7 for deck A and 8 for deck B, since when i used modifier one i ran into a conflict as other buttons where lighting up. i gather that would be a result of that modifier already being in use in conduction with another button in the mapping. its working now so i assume i followed your info the right way..probably could have used 7 for both though when i tried that, i pressed one it lit up the other deck also so i just opted to try one on modifier 7 the other on modifier 8 ad it worked.

again i thank you
Kellie Myrum
Totally possible mate, One modifier per flux button should do the trick.

First of all map a toggle type modifier:

Add in Modifier 1
Modifier conditions / M1=0
Type of controller-button
Interaction mode-direct
Set to value-1

Add in Modifier 1
Modifier conditions / M1=1
Type of controller-button
Interaction mode-direct
Set to value-0

Use this mapping to make your button toggle between two values on each press (0 and 1). Test button and see changes at little modifier slots in controller manager.

Time to add your flux command:

Flux / condition M1=0 / type=button / mode=direct / value=1
Flux / condition M1=1 / type=button / mode=direct / value=0

Using this setup your flux function will follow the modifier value to switch it on and of rather then adding a single flux command in a standard toggle mode where you can't apply it's state as any secondary command or parameter.

Next step is your actual beat phase addition:

Beat / condition M1=0 / MIDI range min=0 max=0
Beat / condition M1=1 / MIDI range min=0 max=127

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