Connecting PC laptop to CDJ in HID mode

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Connecting PC laptop to CDJ in HID mode
Posted on: 26.04.2012 by Lorretta Halaska
Hello, I have a show coming up next month and I want to use the club's CDJ's, not my S2. I've never used them live before, but got some practice in at guitar center and feel confident enough. Initially I was planning on just using a thumbdrive but the idea of using a laptop in HID mode is more appealing, at least at this stage. My laptop is Dell/ windows 7.

My questions:
will I be able to plug in my PC laptop (with traktor) into any club's CDJs and not have issues with the USB/driver stuff? My understanding is that you can plug a macbook into anything and it always works but PC's cannot be trusted for this.

Anybody using Dell laptop with traktor/serato w/ CDJs in HID?

Lorretta Halaska
Hello, I have a show coming up next month and I want to use the club's CDJ's, not my S2. I've never used them live before, but got some practice in at guitar center and feel confident enough. Initially I was planning on just using a thumbdrive but the idea of using a laptop in HID mode is more appealing, at least at this stage. My laptop is Dell/ windows 7.

My questions:
will I be able to plug in my PC laptop (with traktor) into any club's CDJs and not have issues with the USB/driver stuff? My understanding is that you can plug a macbook into anything and it always works but PC's cannot be trusted for this.

Anybody using Dell laptop with traktor/serato w/ CDJs in HID?

Caleb Demillo
I use CDJ's with HID to control Traktor on a Macbook Pro.

Indeed, you'll need some drivers for Windows, available from the Pioneer website. On a Mac, no drivers are needed.

You have two things here: HID control, AND sound card output. Since there's two decks, you need to aggregate the sound cards to look like one card with a bunch of outputs in Traktor. The Pioneer drivers support this, on a Mac, you can use an aggregate device in audio/midi setup.

The HID mapping in traktor is easy, set the player to HID standard, hit link, follow the directions on the screen. Mapping the audio out is like any other sound card.

IMO, unless you have ample time to set up and play around in the club, I'd stick to just using the CDJ's. Especially if it's your first time! Less things to go wrong...

If have an external Audio 4/6/8/10 soundcard, setting up timecode is probably easier since you can get it all configured before you leave for the gig.
Arnoldo Amlong
You'll need to install the sound drivers for the CDJ from Pioneer web site then it'should be pug an play if they have the DCJs set up for HID. If not make sure you change the CDJ to HID standard mode as they work in Advanced mode. You won't get any wave form showing on the CDJs until Advanced HID is supported. I use 900's with a Dell and a Toshiba, the latency can be an issue as far as sound goes so I tend to just link everything with with rekord box for the CDJs using a wirless router. I'm now looking at the possibility of having 2 laptops on the network on using rekord box for the CDJs and one using Traktor with Touch OCS and the Ipad and an RMX 1000. if I can get it all working it'll be great
Nancey Inderlied
Honestly, if the clubs CDJs support USB/Link, just go that route. Using Rekordbox is really simple, and you realistically don't gain anything meaningful except extra hot cues if you wire your laptop in. Walking up, popping in a flash drive, and playing is so much less of a headache than doing through all the steps required to set up HID in Traktor on stage.
Suzanna Eisenbath
I've read that OSX supports the CDJ 900 sound card out of the box.
Nedra Fresneda
Macs also need drivers for some things. Specially audio related hardware.
Emmie Gershen
I can't answer how a Dell laptop would react but I wouldn't want to install everything on a laptop and just hope it'll run ok once I plug it in, even on a mac... you may need to download the traktor CDJ mapping if traktor dosn't already have it, I would rent the gear for a week before your gig, set it up make sure it runs as you'd like it to then you should have no problems, as good as laptops are they do crash etc either that or bring your controller with you too just incase haha.
I used to spin with two TT, mixer, traktor scratch duo2, eventually i started to find a laptop a bit of a Nuisance, bought two cdjs and just use usbs for music, prep my music in rekord box etc, cdj give basically all the same info on the screen only things missing (difference between using tracktor or cdj's alone) are sampling and effects but you can get effects on mixers, that just my opinion though I aint no pro lol

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