Reply to Connecting PC laptop to CDJ in HID mode
Connecting PC laptop to CDJ in HID mode Hello, I have a show coming up next month and I want to use the club's CDJ's, not my S2. I've never used them live before, but got some practice in at guitar center and feel confident enough. Initially I was planning on just using a thumbdrive but the idea of using a laptop in HID mode is more appealing, at least at this stage. My laptop is Dell/ windows 7. My questions: will I be able to plug in my PC laptop (with traktor) into any club's CDJs and not have issues with the USB/driver stuff? My understanding is that you can plug a macbook into anything and it always works but PC's cannot be trusted for this. Anybody using Dell laptop with traktor/serato w/ CDJs in HID? thanks!!! | |
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