Finished DIY jogwheel

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Finished DIY jogwheel
Posted on: 01.06.2009 by Chara Ravine
I moddified an old ball mouse into two jogwheels. After a lot of stresful testing and adjusting now everything works as a charm. It's a very nice addition to my midibox. Here are some pics of the controller.
Nick Ross
Good stuff
Chara Ravine
Don't know exacly where you can connect it, but i'm sure that midibox supports optical encoders. You should ask someone on their community . They have a chatroom and most ofthe time somone is there.
Wava Ilog
Thank you for the explanation! Do you know if it is possible to connect the encoder signal of your jog wheel to the DIN of the midibox? I want to modify mine. I want to replace the ALPS SRGP with something more sensitive.
Chara Ravine
Yeah, that's possible i quess, but i don't need scratching. It would be great if someone did something like that though.
juan garcia
what i believe would be cool if you could use one of the buttons to make the rig touch sensitive, perhaps like the numark iCDX that you push down on the platter to "scratch"
Chara Ravine
I draw the wheel in Adobe Illustrator and printed it on transparent foil (the one used in presentations). You have to try different sizes and see wihch one works best. Video wouln't be anything special. It's just a rotary encoder ,but i can try to make one.
juan garcia
thanks for the additional material and info. great looking project, would love to see a vid of it in action.

so how did you print your code wheel?
Chara Ravine
IR sensors were desoldered and connected to original holes with wires. Additionaly i could make use of the three mouse buttons, but i didn't have space on the box. Here's an explanatory picture:
Chara Ravine
The jog wheels are separated from midibox - they are stand alone controller. Mouse connects in ps2 socket and gives x and y axis positions like an ordinary mouse. GlovePie is a translator program - it translates x and y axis movements into midi commands. So every time mouse cursor moves one pixel, GlovePie send cc midi message.

Additionaly i have mouse movents from jog wheels disabled so it gives out only midi messages (this can be done in GlovePie). And i use my ordinary mouse for mouse cursor control.
Wava Ilog
Nice work!
Can you please explain how do they work? Are directly connected to the DIN of Midibox or the are completely separated?
Thank you!
Chara Ravine
Resolution isn't high enough for scratching, but i can easily change the resolution with changing the coded wheel. Optical encoders can have very high resoltuions (infinite theoreticaly). Here's what i use (enough for pitchbending, scrolling tracks in collection and aplying effects). I have the code for GlovePie (mouse to midi converter) if anyone needs it. Thanks for all the feedback!
gilbert hatem
Nice to see the final project. They look way nicer than what I did. Keep up the good work!
Benita Jankauskas
that is very nice work!!!
Elenor Andreotta
Xavier Emanuels
nice work !
Makkins Clifton
yeah, post a vid with mad scratching in it
Hertha Fang
nice job, just out of curiousity, what is the resolution on those jogs?
Chara Ravine
They are made out of pexiglass(acrilyic glass) - laser cut. Boxes are from abs plastic and costed around 15
Kala Wandler
OMG this is awsome man !

Great work =)
Fernande Jada
nice work!

what did you make the platters out of?

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