Painting the jogwheels/New product on the store?

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Painting the jogwheels/New product on the store?
Posted on: 13.10.2009 by Matthew Yanagisawa

I've been believeing about converting my VCI-100 to the SE for aesthetic reasons as well as that fix that damn FX light problem (FW1.3 fix this right?) among other reasons... Overlay, check. Faders/buttons, GREEEENNNNN! check. Jogwheels, gray?

I've searched in the community s for a solution and have found about painting them with conductive paint (any brands or stuff to look for in the can about what paint do this?) to sanding them and repainting. I dont know but do this wrong and youll have a pair of almost dead non-conductive jogwheels :eek:

So besides asking for what paint are you using, if someone have pics of DIY painted jogwheels and how they look with the afromentioned paint.

Also, maybe Ean can get replacement prepainted jogwheels and sell them at the store? perhaps even have them in different colors? You know a black VCI-100 with green buttons/knobs, arcade buttons and jogwheels would look SICK!

bonus points for brands of conductive oil for a grinding jogwheel (i have the tutorial, but need the oil). Thanks!
Matthew Yanagisawa

I've been believeing about converting my VCI-100 to the SE for aesthetic reasons as well as that fix that damn FX light problem (FW1.3 fix this right?) among other reasons... Overlay, check. Faders/buttons, GREEEENNNNN! check. Jogwheels, gray?

I've searched in the community s for a solution and have found about painting them with conductive paint (any brands or stuff to look for in the can about what paint do this?) to sanding them and repainting. I dont know but do this wrong and youll have a pair of almost dead non-conductive jogwheels :eek:

So besides asking for what paint are you using, if someone have pics of DIY painted jogwheels and how they look with the afromentioned paint.

Also, maybe Ean can get replacement prepainted jogwheels and sell them at the store? perhaps even have them in different colors? You know a black VCI-100 with green buttons/knobs, arcade buttons and jogwheels would look SICK!

bonus points for brands of conductive oil for a grinding jogwheel (i have the tutorial, but need the oil). Thanks!
Matthew Yanagisawa
thx all for the replys.

Any1 has any pics of a paint job on the jogwheels?

BTW, I just found out the post on the FAQ about this for for whatever reason it didnt came up on the search before posting this. So merge at will.
Roberto Viccione
yeah, just sand em down and paint them. The messages are actually read by the screws, not by the jog wheels. So just make sure it's not too much paint but a solid job and you'll be fine.
Sharolyn Narramore
i had two coats on paint on mine and there was no sensitivity issues. just dont over do it and you should be good.
Lorrine Eckstein
Im going to be painting mine new one when it arrives, from what I've read you can paint them with just normal car paint (Sand, primer, sand & Paint) what I'm going to do

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