Some Intriguing Questions...

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Some Intriguing Questions...
Posted on: 21.04.2010 by Alicia Fugh
Looking into purchasing either the Spin or the VCI-100.

I like the VCI because of all of the effects that it has to bring... but i got two intriguing questions that either is going to seal the deal with VCI-100 or with the Spin.

1. Due to the fact that the VCI 100 doesn't have a soundcard, what is the cheapest soundcard that I can get? (for a PC windows 7).

2. Also, I'm into scratching, so between the Spin or the VCI, which one has the better scratching mode.

I like the Spin... but I don't have a Macbook and hope that the Typhoon will be as good as the Spin.

Hopefully someone can answer any of my questions because the help will be really appreciated.
Alicia Fugh
Looking into purchasing either the Spin or the VCI-100.

I like the VCI because of all of the effects that it has to bring... but i got two intriguing questions that either is going to seal the deal with VCI-100 or with the Spin.

1. Due to the fact that the VCI 100 doesn't have a soundcard, what is the cheapest soundcard that I can get? (for a PC windows 7).

2. Also, I'm into scratching, so between the Spin or the VCI, which one has the better scratching mode.

I like the Spin... but I don't have a Macbook and hope that the Typhoon will be as good as the Spin.

Hopefully someone can answer any of my questions because the help will be really appreciated.
Reece Murray
You can do a lot more than baby scratch with a vci-100. Esp with really dialed in sensitivity/acceleration and a Pro X Fader. However, still no comparison to the 300 or timecode. Still have fingers crossed for a new vci-100 firmware unlocking the full 10 bits we could be getting out of the processor though... don't know that that's ever going to happen.
Julissa Serrone
^^ good advice.

I haven't found any jogwheels that are good to scratch with. Perhaps when NI supports 14 bit midi the VCI-300 will be the best choice. But for now, you just have to manage with what we've got. You can do, however a baby scratch it sounds ok in the 100.
Corine Kasman
1. Best low cost soundcard(my opinion only): Audio 2 DJ (check the DJTT store for a good price)

2. Neither. Though some can scratch impressively well on a VCI, the reality is that neither are really good at it (not intended function of the units). If you want to scratch however, you will find a way on just about anything...

I cannot comment on the Spin/Typhoon (apart from the horrible colour and fake carbon fibre on the Typhoon) as I haven't used one. But I do love my VCI, and compared to my friend's Omni, well there really is no comparison.

In your place (I was a couple of months ago), go for the VCI and an A2DJ. The next step is upgrading to Traktor Pro.


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