Ipad challenger

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Ipad challenger
Posted on: 18.06.2010 by Matt Lucker
First of all, no, I don't believe the ipad is going to be relevant in the evolution of digital music; pretty much for the many of the reasons people have stated here before. But my main issue comes with the heavy restrictions Apple has with software developers; it is a closed system and as such its possibilities are far from looking interesting.
Now, multiple touchscreens are here to stay, what we need is some serious competition, and by serious I mean open systems that people can experiment and fit to their needs .
This is Liquidware`s option, althought right now it only supports Linux OS (And it doesn't have all the bling bling Apple has) I see a lot of potential in this little machine, the best part, you will assemble it yourself.

Beagle Embedded Starter Kit
Matt Lucker
First of all, no, I don't believe the ipad is going to be relevant in the evolution of digital music; pretty much for the many of the reasons people have stated here before. But my main issue comes with the heavy restrictions Apple has with software developers; it is a closed system and as such its possibilities are far from looking interesting.
Now, multiple touchscreens are here to stay, what we need is some serious competition, and by serious I mean open systems that people can experiment and fit to their needs .
This is Liquidware`s option, althought right now it only supports Linux OS (And it doesn't have all the bling bling Apple has) I see a lot of potential in this little machine, the best part, you will assemble it yourself.

Beagle Embedded Starter Kit
Matt Lucker
That is right now, but you have to look to the future, I don't meant the product itself but the posibilities that this portable, more flexible systems will have. Instead of depending on a standar product dj's in the future, i hope, will rely on their own personalized products, something that gives much more freedom in the stage.
Matthew Urtel
4.3" touch screen for $400. No thanks.
Diogo Dj Dragão
THIS is your option for the iPad? Not one of the new Android tablets, or a new HP offering running WebOS, or a juicy new convertible netbook running a dual core Atom?

The Beagle will NEVER be anything but a niche product. Ever. Most people don't want to build their own tablet. Especially when that DIY tablet has less processing power then what's available now, less storage, less connectivity, and costs nearly as much as an assembled product (that has an actual enclosure!).

Don't get me wrong here, it's a neat DIY project. But this is no iPad. The iPad will have PLENTY of real competition very soon. This isn't one of them.

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