Launchpad HELP Greatly needed!

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Launchpad HELP Greatly needed!
Posted on: 25.06.2010 by Janett Rystrom
I just recently purchased a Ableton Live Launchpad Controller and I was so glad to get it. But when I saw and heard what was pre-loaded on the device, I was turned off. It was a bunch of piano notes and stuff. I basically need help setting it up. I would like to be able to mix, record in real time, and use the instruments they have on Abelton Live 8 (Launchpad Edition). So far, I've looked on the internet every where and found nothing, and Abelton's video tutorials didn't help that much. So if someone were to be so kind as to let me see their mapping and/or help me reset this up. THANKs PEEPS!!!

P.S. Sorry, I'm a noob.
Janett Rystrom
I just recently purchased a Ableton Live Launchpad Controller and I was so glad to get it. But when I saw and heard what was pre-loaded on the device, I was turned off. It was a bunch of piano notes and stuff. I basically need help setting it up. I would like to be able to mix, record in real time, and use the instruments they have on Abelton Live 8 (Launchpad Edition). So far, I've looked on the internet every where and found nothing, and Abelton's video tutorials didn't help that much. So if someone were to be so kind as to let me see their mapping and/or help me reset this up. THANKs PEEPS!!!

P.S. Sorry, I'm a noob.
Janett Rystrom
Thanks Phil!!! Much appreciated, mate.
Corine Kasman
Just click Help from the menu bar and choose "Read the Live Manual..." or it can be found in Docs in the Live folder.

Janett Rystrom
Ok....I don't have the manual. IS there one thats downloadable?
Corine Kasman
The LP functions and its customization is well documented in the manual (pages 483 to 494 for the 8.1.3 manual). It describes the basics as well as how the User1 and User2 can be customized or totally override the preset mapping for total customization.

As for the drum rack, the LP does not have velocity, so some tactile control is lost.

Janett Rystrom
Oh! Pilmat, it works. I press a button and it does recognize the controller as a midi device. My REAL question is actually 3 questions. 1. How do I record a real time drum loop using the Ableton controller with drum kit. 2. How do I add FX and mixing FX to the controllers mapping and 3. Help with Automaping.

P.S. I just moved from using a keyboard as a piano/midi controller and a mouse to this. AND I was using FL Studio.

You can check out some of my music here.
Leeanna Ayla
Don't you tell the controller what instrument to play in Ableton? Keep in mind I've only briefly looked at Ableton and have virtually no experience with it so I really have no idea how you would go about doing that.
Corine Kasman
Hi and welcome to the community .

I have the LP and have NO problem in Ableton, in fact it just works by default!

In Ableton Preferences, click the MIDI Sync tab and select the LP in the Control Surfaces drop down. It should then just work.

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