So you want a custom controller?

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So you want a custom controller?
Posted on: 12.09.2010 by Merlyn Komula
Hey guys I recently got into making my own faceplates for just about anything, and decided to share this with the djranking s community!

All of this can be done by you the consumer and in the long run can and will save you tons of time and money! Create any custom part, box or faceplates!

I bought a dvd from ebay, and built my own CNC router machine! If your clueless how I was at first, check it out!


Jacquiline Dua
Originally Posted by Sasha Solo

Yeah the pic ur showing, thats like 100000000$ lol

And about selling different layouts, I need to a get a website together with maybe flash intergration so that each customer can build and design their own layouts! I feel that (no pun intended) djranking s is very limited to what the offer! So I want the consumer to design their own, and at a reasonable price! will keep you posted!

We are just renting it for few years... alot cheaper this way.
The engineer who is using it... told me he would make me anything I wanted granted it will fit in the chamber. I was believeing of making something like this into a controller
8 channel midi mixer with 64 triggers and loads of LEDS and knobs.. but it would be 36inches long. Something to have as an installation and used for stage performance. Nothing to throw in a backpack and set up in a dj booth.
Will start on this begining of next year. Lucky for me I just need to make the concept and the engineer will do all the work.
Merlyn Komula
Originally Posted by lsdave
what did the total CNC cost you to build and how long to build it?? I've been believeing about this for a while and trying to figure out the best route to go.
I build mine for about $4000! Its a bit steep in price but you can always go cheaper on the parts! Id recomend the dvd, cuz it has everything you need to build one, tons of videos and pictures! Lol even a 5 year old can do this!


Merlyn Komula
Hey guys I recently got into making my own faceplates for just about anything, and decided to share this with the djranking s community!

All of this can be done by you the consumer and in the long run can and will save you tons of time and money! Create any custom part, box or faceplates!

I bought a dvd from ebay, and built my own CNC router machine! If your clueless how I was at first, check it out!


Merlyn Komula
Nice! Im actually in contact with a few China manufacturers, I want to buy a cnc laser cutter and engraver and start producing DIY midi kits! Probably in a couple of months I will have the first prototypes! stay tuned!

Jacquiline Dua
Originally Posted by Sasha Solo

Yeah the pic ur showing, thats like 100000000$ lol

And about selling different layouts, I need to a get a website together with maybe flash intergration so that each customer can build and design their own layouts! I feel that (no pun intended) djranking s is very limited to what the offer! So I want the consumer to design their own, and at a reasonable price! will keep you posted!

We are just renting it for few years... alot cheaper this way.
The engineer who is using it... told me he would make me anything I wanted granted it will fit in the chamber. I was believeing of making something like this into a controller
8 channel midi mixer with 64 triggers and loads of LEDS and knobs.. but it would be 36inches long. Something to have as an installation and used for stage performance. Nothing to throw in a backpack and set up in a dj booth.
Will start on this begining of next year. Lucky for me I just need to make the concept and the engineer will do all the work.
Merlyn Komula
Originally Posted by lsdave
what did the total CNC cost you to build and how long to build it?? I've been believeing about this for a while and trying to figure out the best route to go.
I build mine for about $4000! Its a bit steep in price but you can always go cheaper on the parts! Id recomend the dvd, cuz it has everything you need to build one, tons of videos and pictures! Lol even a 5 year old can do this!


India Hakobyan
what did the total CNC cost you to build and how long to build it?? I've been believeing about this for a while and trying to figure out the best route to go.
Merlyn Komula

Yeah the pic ur showing, thats like 100000000$ lol

And about selling different layouts, I need to a get a website together with maybe flash intergration so that each customer can build and design their own layouts! I feel that (no pun intended) djranking s is very limited to what the offer! So I want the consumer to design their own, and at a reasonable price! will keep you posted!

Jacquiline Dua
Yeah Milling machines are bad ass.. We have one in our shop in australia... but a different kind thats more orientated for 3d stuff and making molds

So how are you going to price your stuff?
Would be neat to have 4 midi fighters built into one crazy box
Merlyn Komula
I bought the dvd which shows how to build one, where to get parts and the ins and outs of cnc machinery! Very informative!

yeah I'm gonna post some pics tommorow!
Jacquiline Dua
So is the router machine fully operational?
any examples of a controller faceplates you've gotten cut out yet... sounds interesting..

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