A question regarding the Denon DN-SC2000 and similar controllers...
Home :: Reviews of DJ equipment :: A question regarding the Denon DN-SC2000 and similar controllers...Reply
A question regarding the Denon DN-SC2000 and similar controllers... Posted on: 15.09.2010 by Kiyoko Wellisch How are these controllers with a deck focus switch button getting around the problem of only having one pitch fader?Wouldn't it makes more sense to use a rotary encoder or add another fader like on the otus raw? | |
Kiyoko Wellisch 15.09.2010 | How are these controllers with a deck focus switch button getting around the problem of only having one pitch fader? Wouldn't it makes more sense to use a rotary encoder or add another fader like on the otus raw? |
Janyce Henningson 15.09.2010 | I imagine they have some kind of soft takeover hard coded into them, so when you switch back to deck 1 from deck 2, the pitch fader in traktor won't move until you move the actual fader to the same value. The thing with an encoder for pitch is that it just doesn't feel the same. 2 pitch faders is a pretty good idea though... |
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