Without a soundcard...

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Without a soundcard...
Posted on: 12.11.2010 by Flo Gathers
I bought the Mixtrack and am waiting for it to arrive... I understand it does not have a built-in Soundcard so I can't use features like cueing or playback. But here comes the ultra newb question:

Without the soundcard, I can still use the output from my laptop to output the music to speakers right? (Or headphones for that matter)
Flo Gathers
I bought the Mixtrack and am waiting for it to arrive... I understand it does not have a built-in Soundcard so I can't use features like cueing or playback. But here comes the ultra newb question:

Without the soundcard, I can still use the output from my laptop to output the music to speakers right? (Or headphones for that matter)
Kandy Ahdoot

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