Nano Kontrol & Pad Mod for Traktor Pro

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Nano Kontrol & Pad Mod for Traktor Pro
Posted on: 05.05.2009 by Dierdre Odum
I believe I have finally finished mapping both together, with a new paint job and stick on text. Be good to know what you guys believe. Still playing around with the pad and finding it very entertaining if not unpredictable..

Working on a case next with a lid as some of the guys advised!

juan garcia
Originally Posted by RonBurgundy

The case is causing me the most stress.. as the two units are not quite the same height.. small hurdle ahead!

take off the feet of one or put additional rubber feet on the lower one?

looks pretty fun to use, would make a fun little ableton package as well.
Dierdre Odum
I believe I have finally finished mapping both together, with a new paint job and stick on text. Be good to know what you guys believe. Still playing around with the pad and finding it very entertaining if not unpredictable..

Working on a case next with a lid as some of the guys advised!

Tatum Ansaldo
very nice. like the name
Wava Egizi
still... Have you finished it?
Wava Egizi
Damn! How did I miss this!? NICE!
Elsy Heydenburg
Do you have the .tsi file? i need it!!!
Rashida Rodney
super fresh!!! did you finish it yet?
Anibal Romanos
Ok, so I'm using the same concept to make kind of a holder for the units. I want to make it so that they can be taken out of the case at any point, for example if I'm going over to jam to a friends place and don't want to take all of it with me. I only have one problem though. How did you deal with the cables? Where do they come out?

Also, what material is your case made from?

Thanks for your help!
Anibal Romanos
I am loving it! I just got my nano controllers today, but I'd be willing to take 'em apart right now just to make them look like that. Could you upload the MIDI layout for the setup and maybe even the file for the plastic printouts? My gratitude would haunt you forever... :-)

EDIT: Or if not, could someone at least how to make both of them work at the same time in traktor?
juan garcia
Originally Posted by RonBurgundy

The case is causing me the most stress.. as the two units are not quite the same height.. small hurdle ahead!

take off the feet of one or put additional rubber feet on the lower one?

looks pretty fun to use, would make a fun little ableton package as well.
Joannie Brague
Wow. could you post up your tsi's and maybe the file to print out the letters. I was looking for a good portable solution when im not in my home studio. This would be a great video and if you could supply the tsi's and illustrator files or whatever you used that would be awesome of you.

Keep up the good work.

Looking forward to a vid and some files.

Breana Singerman
How do you have them linked together, I was under the impression that you couldn't Daisy Chain them.

More info would be appreciated!
Rosella Brickell
How did you apply the clear plastic to the unit? Just cut small squares and glue, or is it an entire overlay?

For the rest, I love the look of it! Seems like a nice little unit with a lot of options!
Dierdre Odum

Well text is printed onto clear pastic.. most printer companies will do this for you quite cheap for A4 sheets.. The paint is just a black model paint, like they use on radio controlled cars..

There is a video on youtube of some chap taking the Kontrol apart it's really only a few screws, the sliders and nobs pull straight off... really simple the hard part was working out the midi I tried to use some of Ean's from his pad but it wiped my other settings.. so eventually I had to do it trial and error but all works good now. I am moding one for a friend who loves the look so may be I can do a little video. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.. a gold unit has also been suggested which I believe could look quite fun! the good thing about the text is you can always remove it and add different text when you wanna re-map.

The case is causing me the most stress.. as the two units are not quite the same height.. small hurdle ahead!

Diogo Ribeiro
I like it.

Any chance of a tutorial on how you did this? What kind of paint did you use? How did you do the text?
Jacque Divinity
looks slick.. nice one

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