Entry Level Analog or a Digital Mixer?

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Entry Level Analog or a Digital Mixer?
Posted on: 30.01.2011 by Arturo Banerjee
Hey Guys,

I've got about 250 dollars to spend and I'm looking for a mixer. Right now I'm using an X session pro to control the internal TP mixer. Would I be better off with an A&H Xone 22 or just keep using my X Session Pro? I'm going to be using this with two midi fighters.

Arturo Banerjee
Hey Guys,

I've got about 250 dollars to spend and I'm looking for a mixer. Right now I'm using an X session pro to control the internal TP mixer. Would I be better off with an A&H Xone 22 or just keep using my X Session Pro? I'm going to be using this with two midi fighters.

Kiyoko Wellisch
The drivers? What now?

By the way, at this price range I really doubt that the difference in sound quality will be noticeable in any way at all. Particularly over a loud PA system built for volume rather than audio quality.
Arturo Banerjee
I don't really have an opportunity to go out and use these mixers, so I'm just looking for people with experience with the brand.

I'm just looking for the best overall sound. If the x5 has a better EQ setting but the drivers aren't as good--I can't really use that because the basic sound is still not going to be as good as the A&H
Kiyoko Wellisch
Uh. How are you measuring sound quality? I'm no expert but there's a few ways to look at this. You could go for accuracy and play a sine wave through it and see how it gets distorted at different frequencies or you could just go for the one that you believe sounds nicer in your opinion.

Shouldn't the EQs and the styling be more important? I mean that's what's going to be having a direct effect on how you mix.

Go check them out god damnit.
Ronny Surian
i would probably say the A&H Xone 22, personaly.
Arturo Banerjee
I'm just looking at them in terms of sound quality--

between the Numark and the A&H, which one has better sound quality?
Kiyoko Wellisch
I'd go for the numark x5 over the xone 22 any day. I already have filters inside traktor, I don't have any need for an effects loop, I don't really care for long faders, I prefer the headphone section on the numark and I really hate the faceplate on A&H mixers. So god damn ugly.

At the end of the day it comes down to what you prefer. Go find them in some store and check them out.
Ronny Surian
Digital mixers arnt bad either, i mean, theyre not great, but there not bad...

I personaly prefer analog. xone 22 is awesome, id get that. dont bother with newmark, they are ok, but if you had the money for the newmark and the xone 22 is the same price, its a no-brainer. get the xone 22.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Course you could still use effects in traktor! In fact your x session pro could be used for controlling your effects banks now you don't need it for EQ and levels.

Sound quality is debatable. They should all be more than good enough though I've heard that the xone series colour the sound quite a bit which doesn't really make that much of a difference but you might wanna listen to them before you make a decision. I've not actually compared them so I couldn't say really.

One thing I will say about the Ecler Nuo 2.0 is that is the EQ is pretty wierd. The way the mid works isn't at all to my tastes but some people realy love it. Certainly check it out before buying it. If you can't find it in a store or such and have a play with it you could set the EQ in traktor to the Nuo style which is based on those mixer and see what you believe.
Arturo Banerjee
Right now I'm looking at the Numark X5, Ecler Nuo 2.0 or the A&H Xone 22. The DJTT review said that all of these were in the middle tier in terms of 2 channel mixers, I'm using Traktor, which would be the best to use for sound quality? and could I still use the effects in Traktor?

again, thanks for all your help guys
Gilma Marchini
The X-session should be plenty fine for practice, but if your going to get a new mixer you might as well upgrade to a high end or mid-range mixer instead of staying entry level.
Arturo Banerjee
Awesome, well the Xone 22 is at 239, in a store I found in town so I was pretty excited about that. I'm actually going to be using it for gigs, do you believe I could get by with the Xone 22?

I'm kind of worried that the difference won't be as drastic as I want it to be.

thanks for the input though!
Kiyoko Wellisch
Midi controllers generally feel horrid even in comparison to the cheapest of mixers. It's certainly worth getting a real mixer. The xone 22 is a good mixer though I'm pretty sure it's more than $250.

Personally I like numarks current range of entry level mixers. They are completely fine for a bedroom DJ looking for control over EQ, cueing and levels.

This could be a handy article for you. http://www.djranking s.com/2010/12/1...gle-out-there/
Arturo Banerjee
I'm not looking for anything really feature packed.

I still want to use the Fx banks of Traktor, so basically I'm going to be looking for tempo faders, Volume faders, X-fader, and the EQs.

Using the X-Session Pro I get all of these things but I don't believe that the X-fader of the X-session is very responsive so it's kind of a drag to use.

I'm believeing of getting the Allen and Heath Xone 22--I'd still be routing my DJ Audio 2 into the Allen and Heath
Regine Hulme
Analog all the way
Ronny Surian
what sorta features were you looking for?
Ronny Surian
what sorta thing you lookin for? features?
Arturo Banerjee

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