Traktor Pro keyboard skin?

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Traktor Pro keyboard skin?
Posted on: 18.04.2010 by Susannah Cordner
I saw someone at a gig with one on his macbook and I drooled excessively to say the least....... BUT after much online scouring I could only find serato ones and crappy stickers to put on the keys manually, ick.

Sooooo anyone know where to find one? If not, I believe Ean should sell them in the store.... just a little idea.

Oh and on a sidenote I learned how to turn a padkontrol into a midifighter with relative ease... just change the note values of each pad to match that of the midi fighter along with the midi channel and voila, you can rock out midifighter status on any mpc style controller.

-Bryce Demise
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by RichardD
Apologies if this isn't any help but they're available in the UK here:
Ah sweet, didn't realised Sapphires were stocking them. Thanks for the link, and welcome to the community !
Sheree Angelito
Originally Posted by brycedemise
that TSI file we heard about would be nice to save me some time....
Personally I believe you're better off assigning you're own hot keys..
I just made some small modifications such as, instead of pressing Shift + arrow left/right to send a song to a turntable, I just assigned the left/right arrow without the shift
It's those small changes that just made it easier and quicker to use - Plus because I made my shortcuts up myself (based loosely on seratos) then I'm more likely to remember them
Homer Selgado
*cries* but only for mac...

sad panda
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by RichardD
Apologies if this isn't any help but they're available in the UK here:
Ah sweet, didn't realised Sapphires were stocking them. Thanks for the link, and welcome to the community !
Inez Marcinik
they were released at NAMM this year
Moira Honma
Apologies if this isn't any help but they're available in the UK here:
Tatum Ansaldo
fear not friends, help is at hand (finally) from kbcovers, as mentioned on the blog.

and here's the link for the EU version and the US version

I can't find a hi res pic with details of all the commands but I believe it's the TP standard mapping (which I have never used but might do now this is available).
Sheree Angelito
Originally Posted by brycedemise
that TSI file we heard about would be nice to save me some time....
Personally I believe you're better off assigning you're own hot keys..
I just made some small modifications such as, instead of pressing Shift + arrow left/right to send a song to a turntable, I just assigned the left/right arrow without the shift
It's those small changes that just made it easier and quicker to use - Plus because I made my shortcuts up myself (based loosely on seratos) then I'm more likely to remember them
Susannah Cordner
Ya, this is the conclusion I've come to. Rane skin, and map traktor to it.


Problem solved, but that TSI file we heard about would be nice to save me some time....
Sheree Angelito

this is the serato iSkin I use for traktor. I just assigned the hotkeys to match. It's not quite exactly the same as seratos hot keys, as I have made a few changes - But it's logical, and quite frankly something I use all the time.
Plus the rubber gives the keys a much more tactile feel when bouncing those hotcues..
Susannah Cordner
ya, if i could just get that TSI for the serato skin, I'd be super content.
Roselle Mcnaul
Tried looking and couldnt find it, got a link bento?
Xavier Emanuels
NI offer a TSI for the serato keyboard cover but dont actually offer a keyboard cover of their own
Rebbeca Henningsen
my buddy made one...
Susannah Cordner
I believe what I saw was actually the Serato Rane cover and he just had traktor mapped to it.

Cuz it looked JUST like it.

I will probably be doing the same.

Got my midi fighter korg padkontrol hybrid setup, my wii controller mapped, and my hercules rmx with a korg nanokontrol.

Tis on!
Matthew Urtel


same for $8

I honestly have no idea why you would want one though. Traktor can be mapped to any part of the keyboard.
Arcelia Siebeneck
have you tried this company?:

Freeda Johnsey
Was it this?

Corine Kasman
You can look around here to see what might suit your needs.

Susannah Cordner
I saw it with my own eyes, it exists! It was mapped to the default keyboard mappings. I used it and it was awesome for that one gig, but the guy was rolling and could barely talk let alone tell me where he had got it.....

And I turn my fan up via smcfan control when I spin. with my clear key guard and running traktor+ableton I'm running at 110*f so heat isn't really my issue either. Plus around drunk people, I want a key guard to protect from spillage or any other crap that could fall into my keys.

I wonder if he was using the serato one and just mapped his keys to it....... just a thought..
Corine Kasman
Sorry to rain on your parade, but the keyboard overlay for Traktor does not make much sence as there is no "standard" mapping. Traktor keyboard mapping is sooo customizable that it would not mean anything. But you COULD put a generic cover on to protect your keyboard. Personally I wouldn't as it will also trap too much heat in the MBP.

Susannah Cordner
On the korg padkontrol I did it on, it was fairly simple after reading the manual. I did it all on the controller, no software. I forgot where I found the diagram of notes on the midi fighter but I'm sure if you google it, you'd be fine.

Just make sure your pads are the same notes and midi channel. I had to reload the tsi files a few times b4 the effects section worked correctly though.

Screw stickers too, I'm not putting any kind of sticker on my macbook. I know they make the keyboard skin and I WILL find it! Mark my words.

Wai Rofkahr
Nice! Is it easy to setup? I have a mpd32, and would like to use it with the standard VCI-100 tks file, but haven't tried any mapping yet.

And +1 on the keyboard stickers. They would need to be vinyl stickers tho, paper would be horrible to take off and not last as long.

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