CONTROLLER BATTLE: S4 vs. 2 Reloop Contours and 1 Faderfox Micromodul DJ2

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CONTROLLER BATTLE: S4 vs. 2 Reloop Contours and 1 Faderfox Micromodul DJ2
Posted on: 21.02.2011 by Art Beatz
Hey, can someone do this review:

2 Reloop Contours ($299 X 2) + Faderfox Micromodul DJ2 DJ MIDI Controller ($200) = about $800 total


The Traktor S4 ($900)

The 3 controllers still come out slightly cheaper than the S4 and may be slightly smaller than the S4.
Can the 3 controllers combined together be a better machine than the S4?
You would also need a soundcard or buy the reloop Contour soundcard edition ($100 extra)

The three units would need to be housed as one in order to simplify portability. The 3rd .jpg is what it would look like.

I would love to see this.
Art Beatz
Hey, can someone do this review:

2 Reloop Contours ($299 X 2) + Faderfox Micromodul DJ2 DJ MIDI Controller ($200) = about $800 total


The Traktor S4 ($900)

The 3 controllers still come out slightly cheaper than the S4 and may be slightly smaller than the S4.
Can the 3 controllers combined together be a better machine than the S4?
You would also need a soundcard or buy the reloop Contour soundcard edition ($100 extra)

The three units would need to be housed as one in order to simplify portability. The 3rd .jpg is what it would look like.

I would love to see this.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Whoa, that must have been pretty amazing. Working in a bank seems like a logical step after all that :P
Arcelia Siebeneck
ez mate - fellow Brighton'ian I see

I started off backpacking around China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia etc and then ended up living in Thailand for over 5 years. Moved to the mountains in the north, bought/built a restaurant, guesthouse, bar, etc - then moved back to Brighton last year, bought a flat and started working at a bank lol!
Kiyoko Wellisch
That's pretty damn cool Milo. Where did you go?
Arcelia Siebeneck
I bought a Faderfox DJ1 in 2004... still going strong and I've gigged with it all around SE Asia when I was backpacking.
Lewis Stumpf
I'd say it is a matter of preference.
Some folks like a one-unit controller, some like to swap and replace smaller units, some like it hot.

I'm pretty good at setting things up quickly I believe, so I'm more in the modular ballcourt.
The project I've started is also kind of meant to be used alongside a regular mixer, some X1's or a midi mixer.

How are the Faderfox products by the way? Do their build quality and such hold up?
Lakendra Sasek
@MrPopinjay, you are right. having 2 of them seems useless, but if you want to control 2 efx sections or hotcue juggle with 2 tracks it might be usefull

I have 2 and i did wonder (the first day already) why i bought 2 since switching from deck to deck is so easy and fast..
Kiyoko Wellisch
What's the point in having 2 of the Reloop things? They are designed to controller 4 decks fairly comfortably and the faderfox thing is only really designed to handle 2 channels without a stupidly awkward mapping.
Art Beatz
Thanks - I modified the post.
I love the S4, but I am a sucker for faders for effects
Azucena Minks
S4 wins hands down IMO

If you wanna be different, your good with mapping and you already have a soundcard + mixer then go the combo it would be sick! But if you dont have a mixer and soundcard and solid mapping skills then maybe S4 would suit better? Sounds like a lot of trouble to go to for a saving of $15 lol
Chas Giraldez
get x1s instead, they're cheaper and more functional (no one really needs jogs... unless you scratch)
btw the faderfox dj2 is going really cheap on their home website (less than 200) although it isn't usb, so you would have to get an adapter. although, personally, i'd get a ddm4000 instead

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