Velocity Sensitive for Traktor

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Velocity Sensitive for Traktor
Posted on: 05.06.2011 by Celesta Shooks
So I own an Akai MPD 24 and I've done some mappings i really want to try to use pads for levels. What i mean by this is because they are velocity sensitive is there a way for traktor to read the different velocity's for example if i press it hard it turns up the filter to full.. softly does it slower IDK but id like to experiment.. is this possible? Im sure im not the first with this idea.
Dorcas Bassignani
only way i could believe of would be to map it as a button with autorepeat checked and then set it to one of the higher sensitivities in the drop down (coarse maybe?) then it'll turn up for as long as you hold, but then stay at that point... unless you map direct > reset with invert checked
hold button > filter turns up
release > filter resets

other problem you'd encounter is you did get the velocity to work in some way is that 0 would be all way left, 127 all way right and 64 would be in the middle. so if you tap too light you'll kill all the high end and leave low end playing...

Originally Posted by MiL0
Trouble is, I believe the way that velocity sensitivity works on piano keyboards is via 2 digital switches on each key. When you press a key it measures the time difference between each switch, thus the keyboard is able to tell how hard you pressed the key.
with that in mind, has OP tried keeping it simple in the mapping and just running encoder/fader > relative for the interaction type? maybe tweak with sensitivity and/or acceleration settings might yield a result or some sort
Celesta Shooks
So I own an Akai MPD 24 and I've done some mappings i really want to try to use pads for levels. What i mean by this is because they are velocity sensitive is there a way for traktor to read the different velocity's for example if i press it hard it turns up the filter to full.. softly does it slower IDK but id like to experiment.. is this possible? Im sure im not the first with this idea.
Dorcas Bassignani
only way i could believe of would be to map it as a button with autorepeat checked and then set it to one of the higher sensitivities in the drop down (coarse maybe?) then it'll turn up for as long as you hold, but then stay at that point... unless you map direct > reset with invert checked
hold button > filter turns up
release > filter resets

other problem you'd encounter is you did get the velocity to work in some way is that 0 would be all way left, 127 all way right and 64 would be in the middle. so if you tap too light you'll kill all the high end and leave low end playing...

Originally Posted by MiL0
Trouble is, I believe the way that velocity sensitivity works on piano keyboards is via 2 digital switches on each key. When you press a key it measures the time difference between each switch, thus the keyboard is able to tell how hard you pressed the key.
with that in mind, has OP tried keeping it simple in the mapping and just running encoder/fader > relative for the interaction type? maybe tweak with sensitivity and/or acceleration settings might yield a result or some sort
Arcelia Siebeneck
yeah, I had a similar idea... basically using a midi piano as a midi brain for a diy controller. Each key has velocity sensitivity (128 levels) so if there was some way to attach regular potentiometers to each key then you could get a relatively cheap midi brain with a bunch of analogue inputs.

Trouble is, I believe the way that velocity sensitivity works on piano keyboards is via 2 digital switches on each key. When you press a key it measures the time difference between each switch, thus the keyboard is able to tell how hard you pressed the key.
Chasidy Heckenbach
you can treat the pads as rotaries in traktor but surely the control will jump back to zero as soon as the note off gets sent... (or zero cc value). would be cool if the mpd24 has aftertouch ofc...
Eugenio Cheverie
I would believe so.... If you set one specific pad to control filter level, and have it set up like a potentiometer would be... Having filter at 0 when the control is at 0... At halfway when the control is at 64, and at full when the control is at 127... Right?and then you can adjust the curve as necessary. A pad is an analog input, not a digital one, from what I understand... Personally, I'd map this to control the volume of clips... I like rotary encoders for effects wayyyy too much.. Haha

Edit: now that I believe about it, would you need to map every control value? Ouchhh.
Celesta Shooks
thanks bro its cool ill just call up ni and asking tem to fix traktor for me
Nedra Fresneda
None I'm aware of.

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