Has anyone found smaller arcade buttons?
Has anyone found smaller arcade buttons? Posted on: 05.06.2011 by Nick Kingsley Like 1/2in or something? I want something the same quality and feel of the regular sized ones, but in like a 1/2 in diameter... | |
Mel Vozella 07.06.2011 |
Originally Posted by extraclassic
Joan Kollmorgen 08.06.2011 |
Originally Posted by EtriX
Nick Kingsley 05.06.2011 | Like 1/2in or something? I want something the same quality and feel of the regular sized ones, but in like a 1/2 in diameter... |
Mel Vozella 07.06.2011 |
Originally Posted by extraclassic
Joan Kollmorgen 08.06.2011 |
Originally Posted by EtriX
Mel Vozella 07.06.2011 | what size are the arcade buttons in the MF? Are they the standard 30 mm? and are they OBSF-30 or 30RG? I believe I have about 30 OBSN-30RG at home in different colours. I buy all mine from http://www.akihabarashop.jp/ He's a real nice guy, had a bit of long delivery time but I hear that's changed since he moved to Japan instead of Sweden. |
Janyce Henningson 05.06.2011 | Lots of small ones here mate: http://www.arcadeshop.de/index.php?cPath=79_85 |
Nick Kingsley 05.06.2011 | I might go with something like this, if no one knows of any: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10302 |
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