controller for production??

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controller for production??
Posted on: 03.09.2011 by Golden Faubert
ok, firstly let me start by saying i was a bit confused over which section to post this in as its about controllers and production, so mods please move if necessary.

i want to get into production and im looking for something that's simple to use and work my way around.

my budget is not very high and im looking at getting a launchpad as it comes with ableton and would work straight out of the box, (which is a big perk as it would really keep the cost down) how simple is ableton to pick up? i have a few friends that produce and some reccomend ableton and some say cubase.

so what are your thaughts, do i go with a launchpad together with something like a nanokontrol and use ableton, or go down the keyboard route and use maybe cubase? any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Rebbecca Fennell
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Kiyoko Wellisch
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Kayce Mesia
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Everything else is just fluff.
It really is just fluff. But the right DAW can make it feel like might fine fluff.
Rebbecca Fennell
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Kiyoko Wellisch
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by Onimode
The nanoKontrol 2 looks a lot better than it's predecessor. Also appears to be tailored for use with Ableton.

@OP: The Launchpad is a great way to launch clips and what not, but wouldn't you also need a keyboard? Unless you'd rather input notes by hand... :/
+1 on the launchpad but also with some kind of standard keyboard controller like the lpk25.
Kayce Mesia
Originally Posted by dj stifffy
I recommend the nano kontrol2 I had the original and swapped it for a nanopad, the kontrol 2 is lovely though, I use it with flstudio, not to sure on ableton as I never really liked it but would look into fl which I find to be so simple.

Kontrol 2 has lost it's page option but is replaced with a track left and right button which works better IMO and has led feedback
The nanoKontrol 2 looks a lot better than it's predecessor. Also appears to be tailored for use with Ableton.

@OP: The Launchpad is a great way to launch clips and what not, but wouldn't you also need a keyboard? Unless you'd rather input notes by hand... :/
Golden Faubert
ok, firstly let me start by saying i was a bit confused over which section to post this in as its about controllers and production, so mods please move if necessary.

i want to get into production and im looking for something that's simple to use and work my way around.

my budget is not very high and im looking at getting a launchpad as it comes with ableton and would work straight out of the box, (which is a big perk as it would really keep the cost down) how simple is ableton to pick up? i have a few friends that produce and some reccomend ableton and some say cubase.

so what are your thaughts, do i go with a launchpad together with something like a nanokontrol and use ableton, or go down the keyboard route and use maybe cubase? any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Xenia Gorin
Funny it hasn't been mentioned but I'd say go with Reason or (which has been mentioned) Cubuse. I use Reason with all 3 nano controllers.

Just my 2 cents,
Golden Faubert
cheers for the input guys, ive given the renoise demo a try and along with the tutorials i found it very easy to use for someone with absolutely no production experience, so looks like im going to buy the full version and go for a keyboard in the future, there really is no need for one right now. thanks again;.
Kiyoko Wellisch
I've heard very good things about reaper.
Also renoise has a good demo, check it out. If you decide you wanna buy it's only 58 euro.

Again I'd still recommend ignoring the controllers entirely until after you've learnt the basics of production. Then you can buy whatever works for you. You produce in a hip-hop style? Buy drum pads. Writing lots of melodies and such? Keyboard. Endless synthesiser tweeking? Bunch of knobs etcetc
Kandra Fagler
i was in the same boat as you - i am an audio engineering student, after buying a macbook for my studies, DAW software (cubase 6 and logic) and speakers audio interface etc, i didnt have any more money to spend on controllers for production

my best advise would be to go for something like the novation nocturn control surface and a cheap midi keyboard, or altogether a novation nocturn 25 keyboard (which has keys + endless rotaries all in one)

Cheap midi keyboard : Korg Microkey : 37 keys, nice sized, feels great, downside is aside from the mod and pitch wheel there are no buttons or knobs

Cheap knobs & faders: I originally bought the korg nanoKontrol2 to remedy the situation where my cheap midi keyboard does not have any rotaries or fader, i later found out that even though the nanoKontrol2 has 8 knobs and faders, being non motorized means when you change between tracks or parameters you are pretty much stuffed up, for example if you set them to control volume levels and panning for channels 1-8, and then you change the page to channel 9-16, the faders and knobs become useless because the hardware position and the software position is messed up
so if you intend to use more than 8 channels (you most probably will) the nanokontrol really has limitations

solution: novation nocturn
having endless rotaries and led feedback means you can scroll thru your tracks / parameters and still have that hardware/software sync
its great for doing levels, panning, automations, when using the mouse dont feel right

just my 2 cents
Golden Faubert
cheers for the input guys, very informative as usual, in relation to reaper.. it is VERY affordable with the single person licence,$60!! has anyone else had any experience with it? as i may well be on a budget but am willing to wait until i can afford the right tools for the job, but... one thing is settles, a keyboard i being ordered over the weekend, !
Kathie Caples
as production is my main thing, i would recommend either the new novation impulse or sl mkII, or even an m-audio axiom. any of these controllers work great for production and integrate with multiple DAWs quite well.

As for the DAW, i would suggest reaper. it is easily the most often updated program for music production and has never had any stability issues with me. it's what i use for any production and editing, as well as some recording.
Kayce Mesia
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Everything else is just fluff.
It really is just fluff. But the right DAW can make it feel like might fine fluff.
Rebbecca Fennell
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Kiyoko Wellisch
Just get a keyboard with some knobs on it and then pick absolutely any DAW (or a tracker like renoise!)

Everything else is just fluff.

At the start learning how to do the most basic tasks and work your software is much much more important than fancy controllers. If I were to get into jogging tomorrow I doubt
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by Onimode
The nanoKontrol 2 looks a lot better than it's predecessor. Also appears to be tailored for use with Ableton.

@OP: The Launchpad is a great way to launch clips and what not, but wouldn't you also need a keyboard? Unless you'd rather input notes by hand... :/
+1 on the launchpad but also with some kind of standard keyboard controller like the lpk25.
Kayce Mesia
Originally Posted by dj stifffy
I recommend the nano kontrol2 I had the original and swapped it for a nanopad, the kontrol 2 is lovely though, I use it with flstudio, not to sure on ableton as I never really liked it but would look into fl which I find to be so simple.

Kontrol 2 has lost it's page option but is replaced with a track left and right button which works better IMO and has led feedback
The nanoKontrol 2 looks a lot better than it's predecessor. Also appears to be tailored for use with Ableton.

@OP: The Launchpad is a great way to launch clips and what not, but wouldn't you also need a keyboard? Unless you'd rather input notes by hand... :/
Loralee Erban
I recommend the nano kontrol2 I had the original and swapped it for a nanopad, the kontrol 2 is lovely though, I use it with flstudio, not to sure on ableton as I never really liked it but would look into fl which I find to be so simple.

Kontrol 2 has lost it's page option but is replaced with a track left and right button which works better IMO and has led feedback

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