2x Lemurs + MF Pro or S4 + MF Pro or...?

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2x Lemurs + MF Pro or S4 + MF Pro or...?
Posted on: 08.12.2011 by Leighann Kashat
So now when lemur has now found it's way to iOS, Iv'e been deeply considering selling my traktor S4 and buy a second iPad 2, so I can run Lemur on both of my iPads, along with my MF pro beatmasher (which is atm my favorite controller!) to control traktor pro!

However, could anyone who has used a lemur before tell me if this sounds like a plan or should I stick with my S4 and simply alternate between the lemur/ipad and the MF?
Leighann Kashat
So now when lemur has now found it's way to iOS, Iv'e been deeply considering selling my traktor S4 and buy a second iPad 2, so I can run Lemur on both of my iPads, along with my MF pro beatmasher (which is atm my favorite controller!) to control traktor pro!

However, could anyone who has used a lemur before tell me if this sounds like a plan or should I stick with my S4 and simply alternate between the lemur/ipad and the MF?
Cyndy Mccue
I would agree that 2 ipads running Lemur would be overkill. I have been building my own interface in Lemur, and the best part is the freedom to add multiple pages to your control surface. For example, on one page I set up all of my play/pause, load, and browse track functions, and on the second page I set up all of my effect parameters. That way I would not hit the wrong command at the wrong time, and it allows me to make all of the buttons and sliders bigger. Instead of buying the second ipad, I would recommend getting a CoreMIDI interface, if you don't have one already. I'm running the Alesis iO dock, and have had excellent luck with it so far. Hope this helps!
Roselee Jasnoch
I don't believe you would need two ipads running lemur, it seems a pretty versatile piece of software and believe the second ipad would be over kill. Seems like a nice set up with a good mix of tactile and touch controls!

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