Gamepad Midi controller Malfunction

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Gamepad Midi controller Malfunction
Posted on: 11.07.2012 by Marge Naimi
Hey, guys I have recently created a midi controller using the gamepad method since it was the cheapest. When I plug it in to test it windows says it has malfunctioned adn cannot be discovered. I have tried plugging it in and plugging it out however it does not work. Im stumped and I already googled for help and I cant find help. Can anyone help?
Marge Naimi
Hey, guys I have recently created a midi controller using the gamepad method since it was the cheapest. When I plug it in to test it windows says it has malfunctioned adn cannot be discovered. I have tried plugging it in and plugging it out however it does not work. Im stumped and I already googled for help and I cant find help. Can anyone help?
Marge Naimi
So thats why its messed up. Looks like I need to get a new board and solder onto the pots instead of ripping it off.
Kellie Myrum
When soldering wires to gamepad you can easily burn your board while you hold soldering iron longer than 5-10 seconds, if you take more time while soldering be careful for overheating the board. I burned one when was figuring out how to do LEDs and it was worth it
Marge Naimi
But is there a fix to this? Most people who done the gamepad-midi mod had no problems.
Luetta Noboa
i have a problem like you
every time i plug in my homemade midi controller the un-plug usb sound cames

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