What to do next....

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What to do next....
Posted on: 25.08.2012 by Beulah Bayouth
So I thought I finally got all my components together for my mobile dj service got a PA was happy with serato as my software option after going through an S4 a F1 traktor as a software the novation twitch which had a sound output problem the S4 just dropping out and then going with a vci 380 to run serato I thought I was ready.

Then the vci has just taken the wind out of me it has so many problems currently and I don't know if I'm more fustrated with the board itself or serato as a program but the state it is currently in I would be afraid to accept a job unless I just used my novation twitch with the line amp fix sadly.

Now I am believeing to return the vci and go for another option what do you guys and gals believe here currently I am looking into doing weddings and some local parties but I really want to learn to be good at scratch djing so as I look at returning this vci I am trying to decided between getting a ns6 or the traktor version the 4trak and also believeing of getting a N7 to pair with it for scratching but I don't know if it would be better to just get a controller and worry about a dvs later or to just take the leap and get the NSFX7.

The concern I have here is for mobility basically I want to replace my vci for the most reliable durable option on the market and I have aspriation of learning to scratch dj in the future and I'm not really certain which way to go I don't know if this is possible but I would love it if anyone knows can you run a ns6 on ssl with a NS7 running to the input of one of the channels??

I know at this point I'm rambling but any thoughts are welcome even other controller solutions
Beulah Bayouth
So I thought I finally got all my components together for my mobile dj service got a PA was happy with serato as my software option after going through an S4 a F1 traktor as a software the novation twitch which had a sound output problem the S4 just dropping out and then going with a vci 380 to run serato I thought I was ready.

Then the vci has just taken the wind out of me it has so many problems currently and I don't know if I'm more fustrated with the board itself or serato as a program but the state it is currently in I would be afraid to accept a job unless I just used my novation twitch with the line amp fix sadly.

Now I am believeing to return the vci and go for another option what do you guys and gals believe here currently I am looking into doing weddings and some local parties but I really want to learn to be good at scratch djing so as I look at returning this vci I am trying to decided between getting a ns6 or the traktor version the 4trak and also believeing of getting a N7 to pair with it for scratching but I don't know if it would be better to just get a controller and worry about a dvs later or to just take the leap and get the NSFX7.

The concern I have here is for mobility basically I want to replace my vci for the most reliable durable option on the market and I have aspriation of learning to scratch dj in the future and I'm not really certain which way to go I don't know if this is possible but I would love it if anyone knows can you run a ns6 on ssl with a NS7 running to the input of one of the channels??

I know at this point I'm rambling but any thoughts are welcome even other controller solutions
Nancey Inderlied
Well to really make an assessment, we kinda have to know why you want to tank a 380, and have already gotten rid of an S4/F1 combo. It's hard to make a recommendation if we don't know what you don't like about the solutions you've had.

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