Arturia keyboard fader problem (sends out midi values exponentially)

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Arturia keyboard fader problem (sends out midi values exponentially)
Posted on: 26.08.2012 by Sylvia Greener
I know it might be hard to find some answers on a DJ site but on the other hand I know a bunch of you own a midi keyboard themselves so I'll give it a go:

I'm owner of an Arturia Laboratory 61 keyboard for some weeks now and I'm pretty happy with most of it.

One issue remains to be solved though:
The faders have a MIDI value range from 000 to 127. Normally you would expect the fader increasing the MIDI values linearly (linear fader curve) so that a fader being placed in the middle of its rail sends out a MIDI value of about 64.

8 of 9 of my faders do so but one does not. It increases the MIDI values almost exponentially which is very bad.
In the middle of its trail it sends out a value of 008 and from then on it becomes almost uncontrollable (it misses out some values and so on).

Any ideas to fix this would be highly appreciated!!!
Sylvia Greener
I know it might be hard to find some answers on a DJ site but on the other hand I know a bunch of you own a midi keyboard themselves so I'll give it a go:

I'm owner of an Arturia Laboratory 61 keyboard for some weeks now and I'm pretty happy with most of it.

One issue remains to be solved though:
The faders have a MIDI value range from 000 to 127. Normally you would expect the fader increasing the MIDI values linearly (linear fader curve) so that a fader being placed in the middle of its rail sends out a MIDI value of about 64.

8 of 9 of my faders do so but one does not. It increases the MIDI values almost exponentially which is very bad.
In the middle of its trail it sends out a value of 008 and from then on it becomes almost uncontrollable (it misses out some values and so on).

Any ideas to fix this would be highly appreciated!!!
Sylvia Greener
Thanks a lot for your answer.
I contacted my local music gear retailer today and after a short conversation and some tries it was obvious it's definitely not a software issue (the midi editor also is source of trouble for some people) so we decided to send it to the manufacturer to get it repaired. It's expected to take 4 weeks now and I'm very curious about having it back here.
Allene Manitta
sounds like they built an exponential fader into you keyboard... which would be really strange

any chance to open up the board and measure the actual resistance of the fader? If the resistance doesn't increase exponentially over the length of the fader i'd say it's the controller or A/D converter. If so you can pretty much close the case on this fader, if not worst case is buying a 10k fader that fits your board and solder it in.
Sylvia Greener

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