A little help with my DIY controller :)

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A little help with my DIY controller :)
Posted on: 19.02.2013 by Dick Korus
I am creating and crafting an xy pad controller. The xy pad is glass surfaced. I would like to make it have something similar to a plasma globe (plasma ball) where the current follows your finger when it is applied to the pad! NO CLUE HOW THIS WORKS! Is there any way that I can go about doing this?
Dick Korus
I am creating and crafting an xy pad controller. The xy pad is glass surfaced. I would like to make it have something similar to a plasma globe (plasma ball) where the current follows your finger when it is applied to the pad! NO CLUE HOW THIS WORKS! Is there any way that I can go about doing this?
Gaynell Rydberg
^. All you need to do is figure out a formula for how you want the scaling to control the effects. That's the hard part IMO. Coding shouldn't be very difficult.

That said, if you have no experience with programming, it will be hell.
Yu Santellano
Oh don't worry about the gases thing if you're trying to do something like from the video Slvr posted, I had something totally different in mind :P
Dick Korus
Im believeing about doing some sort of rbg type thing that has a mapped output to control the the color and brightness depending to the positioning. I believe that may just be the better way about doing it. (And less deadly since it doesnt involve noble gasses lol). Other than that, I do plan on using a screen (Nintendo ds screen) that can be converted into an xy type pad.
Yu Santellano
Well....if anyone does nail the plasma ball idea...let us all know
Gaynell Rydberg

That's what he wants to make. You need a conductive screen like a tablet. IMO, you're better off buying a tablet and writing code.
Yu Santellano
Well, a bit of research tells me that plasma balls work because they're filled with gas (a mixture of various noble gasses), with a high powered electrical transformer in the middle. Overall...I'm gonna say that this probably isn't a Do It Yourself kind of exercise.

I won't deny that it's an awesome idea, but probably not something you can do at home - especially as it involves gas, the unit would have to be completely and specially sealed. Also, they can possibly cause interference with electronic gear ...so obviously not good when you're DJing.

I don't know if there are other ways to produce a similar effect.

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