no confirmation mail, doesn't matter where I try to sign up

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no confirmation mail, doesn't matter where I try to sign up
Posted on: 15.08.2012 by Larry Canas
Hello, I tried to sign up for ean golden's mapping on the mapping site but I can't get a confirmation mail, i tried several providers. could someone just confirm my account? I had these email bugs since I've met this site, this sucks
Larry Canas
Hello, I tried to sign up for ean golden's mapping on the mapping site but I can't get a confirmation mail, i tried several providers. could someone just confirm my account? I had these email bugs since I've met this site, this sucks
Random X
Also, if you can't seem to get to John, you could always contact scamo, JesC or myself.
Precious Dawson
Our email server is VERY slow. Sometimes taking days to send out emails. We are fixing it. But until then just send me a PM with your email address and I will confirm it.

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